PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Bring the Drama

Bring the Drama

So, like most of you, last night I was watching the epic episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey, where crazy Teresa chases Danielle into a bush outside, then Ashley pulled out her weave.
I am sorry, but I thought this episode was hilarious. I really could not stop laughing. Perhaps it was because, like Teresa, I have a bit of crazy in myself as well. I am quite hot-tempered and have been known to get in a few verbal altercations.

Between the "prostitution whores" and the "coke head whores", I can't get enough of this season!

Seriously, what did we all watch before these trashtastic reality shows? I can't even remember!

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Mojito Maven said...

Danielle's constant hyperventilating GRATES on my nerves.

I do wish Teresa would have toned it down a bit. Does she look like a drag queen to you?

AND ASHLEY. OMG, Ashley. If I ever had a daughter like her I would DIE. Thank goodness for her step-dad, Chris.

Kate said...

Last nights episode was genius. It had to be a reality show because no one could come up with this kind of tv gold on their own!

chelsea said...

I agree! My fiance says watching this stuff kills brain cells, but I CANNOT help myself!

Hi! I'm Cortney said...

Did anyone else find themselves sighing out loud at Danielle's crying and pretending to be frightened. I almost had to turn it off because I seriously want to punch her:)

My three favorite parts from last night:
1. Ashley's unbe"weave"able remark on fb
2. Danielle hiding in the bushes
3. Teresa reacting the event for her husband-i.was.dying.laughing!

Lindsey said...

It was quite entertaining! I was laughing at how stupid and Danielle is!! Boy was she playing the victim last night! I was expecting it to be a bit more as far a the story line, I think the previews made it look that way - but it was definitely entertaining to say the least!!

TLF said...

*Sigh* I've never seen a single episode.

Jess said...

i can't get enough! it's hilarious! i think danielle only puts on the victim act for the camera's... b/c seriously what type of person chooses to be friends and hangs out with ex-cons?

and i agree with MM about ashley -she does need some consequences so she can grow up!

i can't wait for the reunion show -do you think danielle will have her bodyguards???

Elizabeth said...

i watched this too and thought it was more humorous than anything. i cant believe grown women act like that.

~M~ said...

I have not seen it yet. I hope Hulu posts it ASAP!

Mackenzie said...

I laughed the whole time too! So funny that they were all freaking out over screaming!! Hilarious!

Southern Champagne Wishes said...

I loved it! I know people talk about how tacky or trashy it is - but that's the point. If these people were well-behaved, they would be boring to watch! I don't ever see anyone act this way in my real life, so I have to get it somewhere.

Kiki said...

i tweeted last night that Danielle will bring that clump of hair to the reunion show. can't wait. team teresa! i've never flipped a table, but have used some of her colorful words and flipped a few chairs. take care.

Marilyn *Pink Martinis and Pearls* said...

What I think is even better than the regular shows are the after shows with Andy. So funny!! :)

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

I'm addicted to all the "Housewives" shows (NYC and Atlanta are my favorite).

However, I started watching the NJ ladies this season and had to stop. Danielle reminds me of a girl I was "friends" with in High School who was completely psycho. The whole thing scares me too much because my situation ended pretty badly!!

Julie said...

The crazier, the better. I ate it up!

Amy@Fiancé Meeting You Here said...

My husband cannot stand this show-so we're in separate rooms when this comes on and he hears me howling and laughing SO hard. I mean, you can't make this shit up. It's that good.

I love ho Teresa turns on her ghetto girl. "I'm from Patterson, remembah??" I had to ask my friend from Jersey what Patterson's rep was. Her answer was, "rough".

Gotta love it!

Amy@Fiancé Meeting You Here said...

My husband cannot stand this show-so we're in separate rooms when this comes on and he hears me howling and laughing SO hard. I mean, you can't make this shit up. It's that good.

I love ho Teresa turns on her ghetto girl. "I'm from Patterson, remembah??" I had to ask my friend from Jersey what Patterson's rep was. Her answer was, "rough".

Gotta love it!

Ali said...

A) I appreciate this post bc we don't gave Internet/cable until tomorrow and I'm dying without my housewives. The only decals I've been getting are on twitter and it sounds crazy just the way I like it.

B) follow me on twitter! Amcorsi

Bunnie said...

You seriously crack me up! I never comment much, but I love reading your tweets and blog because you tell it like it is and that's how it should be! RHONJ are some crazy Bia's but it is just so much of a train wreck that you can't take your eyes off of it!! I am a friend of Caroline and she just says the nicest things about you :)

A Babbling Brunette said...

I missed it! I'll have to iTunes it. I know what you mean about trashy, but great TV! I love this show!

Jaime said...

Ashley is horrible. I would ground her for life if she was my child. But man, these ladies are entertaining.

Barefoot in the Park said...

i couldnt stop laughing too! the weave pulling took the cake.

molldoll said...

I usually DVR the housewives- and fast forward thru Danielle. She kills me! I watched the whole thing through on this episode, however. OMG how crazy are all they all?!?

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