To "Man Sandals" ... I was perusing facebook this morning and saw a picture of a guy wearing these awful Man Sandals. When did men think it's okay to wear sandals that look like women's sandals?
I already HATE feet, especially men's feet ... these just make me cringe.
I can handle men in rainbow sandals or flip flops, but the slide sandal or caged sandal is just not okay.
Agreed! But it took me ages to get my hubs to wear any kind of sandles or flipflops at all! When he broke down, the only ones he'll wear are these Clark's leather flip flops that were like $200! I was like, "You are so missing the point of a good pair of cheapo-comfy flops" but whatever... at least he wears them now! hahaha
I couldn't agree more! My high school band director wore shoes like the ones in the first picture practically every day for four years! His excuse was that they were Kenneth Cole, so it was okay? UM HELLO? It's not okay if they're ugly!
Love this post! My boyfriend and I were just talking about "mandals" this weekend. He's on the hunt for some new sandals and while helping him look I saw SO many awful, ugly sandals - thank goodness he didn't buy any!
I guess I'm in the minority. I'd rather see my man wear the caged sandals than flip flops to cover his less than pretty toes... Of course, I'd rather him just wear shoes.
My husband has the first black pair in brown.. wears them all the time. Paired with cargo shorts and a polo, they look perfectly fine to me. Flip Flops are okay for guys a lot of the time, but sometimes they look way too casual.
Flip flops are a staple for my husband's wardrobe, but he only owns 2: Old Navy for around the house and some Sperrys for out and about. Never those ugly things and never for nice occasions.
hahaha! hubs used to have a pair of what I call "Jesus sandals". they were hideous! as soon as i moved in, i tossed that junk and bought him a pair of rainbows!
Ohhhhh. I don't like men's feet either, especially their crusty heels and bear claws. The guys that wear those sandals usually have their collars turned up with a Corona Light w/ Lime in their hand.
I could not agree with you more! Flip flops are the only thing in my book that look okay for a man, the others are terrible, and with socks - ewww! SUCH a turn off!!
Agreed! But it took me ages to get my hubs to wear any kind of sandles or flipflops at all! When he broke down, the only ones he'll wear are these Clark's leather flip flops that were like $200! I was like, "You are so missing the point of a good pair of cheapo-comfy flops" but whatever... at least he wears them now! hahaha
i couldn't agree more. ugh.
I couldn't agree more! My high school band director wore shoes like the ones in the first picture practically every day for four years! His excuse was that they were Kenneth Cole, so it was okay? UM HELLO? It's not okay if they're ugly!
This made me laugh! Some of the guys here at work were the slide type sandals with socks and it creeps me out everyday. blech!
i totally agree
Yeah...Mandals are a definite no no!
Love this post! My boyfriend and I were just talking about "mandals" this weekend. He's on the hunt for some new sandals and while helping him look I saw SO many awful, ugly sandals - thank goodness he didn't buy any!
Mandals, love it! No, they are NEVER okay or fashionable. Especially when there are grody boy feet in them.
I couldn't agree more! D wears flip flops, and that is all! I can't stand the "no" shown above. Men's feet are so disgusting!
I guess I'm in the minority. I'd rather see my man wear the caged sandals than flip flops to cover his less than pretty toes... Of course, I'd rather him just wear shoes.
So agree!!! Those are a big fashion NO!!!!!!!
My husband has the first black pair in brown.. wears them all the time. Paired with cargo shorts and a polo, they look perfectly fine to me. Flip Flops are okay for guys a lot of the time, but sometimes they look way too casual.
Flip flops are a staple for my husband's wardrobe, but he only owns 2: Old Navy for around the house and some Sperrys for out and about. Never those ugly things and never for nice occasions.
hahaha! hubs used to have a pair of what I call "Jesus sandals". they were hideous! as soon as i moved in, i tossed that junk and bought him a pair of rainbows!
Agreed! Flip flops are okay, mandals are not. Along with man jewelry and murses.
Ohhhhh. I don't like men's feet either, especially their crusty heels and bear claws. The guys that wear those sandals usually have their collars turned up with a Corona Light w/ Lime in their hand.
MANDALS! EW! Those caged ones are the worst. That's what only men under the age of 3 can get away with wearing.
ew ew and ew. i'm not even a fan of flip flops on men.
Too funny! Men sure do know how to jack some shoes up sometimes don't they?
Too funny and point well made!
Those are heinous! Can't believe someone would wear those!!
I could not agree with you more! Flip flops are the only thing in my book that look okay for a man, the others are terrible, and with socks - ewww! SUCH a turn off!!
It is so funny you posted this!
I feel the same EXACT way.
I hate FEET!
& Those man sandals are NOT cutting it.
Amen, sister. Amen.
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