PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Sale Alert!

Sale Alert!

Saks is having a great after Christmas sale!

You all know my drama with the Hunter boots, well, one pair finally came in from Nordstrom and they were TWO DIFFERENT COLORS! I said to heck with it and sent them back. After all of that trouble ordering and them only to find out that 2 of my orders were canceled, and now they have the nerve to send me one black boot and one navy boot? Don't they know I will cut them?

I was feeling a little discouraged until I saw this morning that they were on Saks (in the Anthracite color, which looks a lot like black if you ask me) for nearly 75% OFF!!!!

Yeowwwwww! They are mine!

I couldn't resist passing on the deal to you guys, so check it out and get them while they last! Click HERE to view.

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Unknown said...

"cut them"


Merry Christmas!

Rock those boots. What a deal.

Dana said...

I'm dying laughing...."I'll cut them!" Hahaha! I'm going to get my pair now, too! Thanks for the info! Merry Christmas to us!

Nicole Marie said...

oh my gosh i got so excited but i want the normal glossy ones and they're not on sale :(
but glad you got the ones you wanted! great price !

Julie said...

Crap .... I missed out!

Queen B. said...

ha ! too funny :)
I'm cleaning out my closet ~ if you need a vintage necklace, stop by :)

SanFranciscoCA said...


There is only one review for these boots online (Saks) and it's anything but good...Have you seen these boots IRL?
I like to see/ try on items unless I'm buying from Piperlime, Bluefly,ASOS etc. (and even then some of them are available at other stores and you can actually check them out before purchasing). Let us know if the boots are comfortable if you get a chance :)

Happy (belated and upcoming) holidays!

thelovelist said...

Nordstrom will sell people shoes in different sizes if they have different sized feet, which is how I bet those danged boots got mixed up. Can't wait to see how you style them! xx

Andee Layne said...

wow great find for 75% off!!

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