PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: What I've Been Up To ...

What I've Been Up To ...

Well, my new Macbook Pro charger decided to stop working (this happened with my old Macbook about 5 times). I was literally short of breathe with separation anxiety from my 3rd arm, aka laptop. I got online and could only get a Genius Bar appointment today, so I finally got it back up and working!

One of my feather extensions was driving me bananas, so I decided to get out the tools and take it out myself! It took about 1 minute and was easy to do. I still have in my pink one on the other side.

I got Chanel's SPF 50 and I loooove it. It goes on so smooth and is perfect to go over moisturizer for sun protection!

We found a litter of kittens in a bush in our yard. Being the animal lovers that we are, we emailed our neighborhood email group and found homes for all the kittens! It's better than them growing up being scrappy neighborhood cats whoring around having more kittens.

I had a little lunch date with a simple OOTD of shorts, t-shirt, scarf, and TOMS!

And this is the point where my paranoia and anxiety shows, but have you all heard of the freakshow that predicts the world is ending this Saturday? Yeah, I have been on multiple googling binges and read up on several articles debunking his mathematical BS. He already predicted it once before in 1994 and said he "made an error". It just irks me that people prey on fearful individuals (aka fear-mongering) with all of this crazy talk. And if any of these idiots actually read the Bible they would know that no one will know the date. All of this still doesn't stop me from being paranoid and anxious, though.

Being on my googling spree, I also stumbled up on several conspiracy theorists that claim the government causes earthquakes with HAARP and that their next one will be along the New Madrid Fault Line, aka where I live. I proceeded to order an Earthquake survival kit from Amazon.

I really need to block google from my computer, huh?

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Day Old News said...

Glad you are preventing neighborhooding whoring. Those kitties be kute.

Dishy Decorator said...

We definitely don't want any kitteh whoring. hahaha

A Big Little Life said...

We are going to a wedding on Saturday so... if Jesus does decide to come back that day, he can find me there : ) I read an article talking about this community in a town in California that was going to be selling pitas laced with cyanide for those who want to escape early. Crazy folks!

EKM said...

I am so glad you are ending the whoring days to your kittenz!!!

Also a wrench for feather removal???

Rachel said...

AW those kittens are cute!
And, I too, love a good internet conspiracy theory!

PinkSass said...

My husband and I were totally reading up on conspiracy theories on the way home from Memphis yesterday. We have a friend who truly believes in reptilian humanoid(craycray)and it got us looking up some stuff.

Oh and we totally have survival kits.

scdoyle1 said...

How are you liking your TOMS? I had ordered some last year and I thought they were very uncomfortable :( and I could not understand it because so many people love them and I LOVE their mission. One of my friends thought I had ordered the Vegan ones accidentally which have much less padding on the inside, anywho, just curious to see what you think.

TLF said...

What size did you get in your TOMS? Do you think they fit small/big?
I usually wear a 6.5, so that's what I ordered. I have not worn them yet because I can't decide if they're a little bit snug or if they are supposed to fit like that.

Pretty in Pink said...

scdoyle- they are actually pretty comfortable for a little while. After wearing them for a couple of hours the back tends to rub on my heel and can sometimes cause a blister, but I suppose that is just them breaking in.

Peace Love- I got a 6.5 and they fit perfect and I am normally a 6.5. I ordered a 4.5 in the kid's size and those fit as well :)

Anonymous said...

all these weather disasters makes me ponder the apocalypse every now and again...but i don't dwell!
love the glitter toms...i am wanting a jazzier pair and mine are lookin kinda busted. way to go on the kittens!

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

You are cracking me up with your conspiracy theories!

Did you polish off that bottle of wine at lunch? Hee hee

I need a glass!

Unknown said...

Those kittens are adorable and so is your outfit! I love TOMS :) Those people are their theories... google is dangerous sometimes haha.


Ruthie said...

My pastor has been talking about how crazy that guy is for a while, but I am still going to be glad when May 21 comes and goes! I need to block WebMD though.... serious hypochondriac!

UpperBottom said...

hi, first time visitor here. the saturday end of world thing is silly, but theories like this are sometimes fun to read about. my husband was telling me that the denver airport has a basement where all "important" people are supposed to go if the world does end (like the boat in 2012). ok, whatever.

anyway, nice meeting you!


Fash Boulevard said...

Love this post. I really want to try the feather extensions.

That is crazy that your charger stopped working. I got a computer virus last week so I can totally relate to the withdrawals from our computers.

Love you blog! xoxo

Preppy Twin said...

love the OOTD...especially your toms! Hope you have a great day.

mMe said...

Funny! I actually had my dad take out my feather extension with his tools in his garage!

Amanda Leigh said...

you know how to make Toms look cute! Now I want a pair!

Anonymous said...

yeah that whole rapture thing is such bull. it's sad that people are still falling for it. love those kicks, been thinking about getting that same pair!

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