PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Battling Adult Breakouts: My Arsenal

Battling Adult Breakouts: My Arsenal

The past couple of weeks have been rough on my skin.  I am not sure why, but every time about this same time of year I have a massive breakout.  I remember this time last year going to the dermatologist to get extractions and medicated topical creams.  Well, the bad breakout is back and I have a cool Bermuda triangle of zits going on around my chin.  

I am lucky to have pretty good skin on any given day (could be due to taking Acutane in college), but about once or twice a year I get a full blown, teenager like breakout.  When I do, I am prepared with my arsenal of zit-fighting products. 

1) Mario Badescu Acne Facial Cleanser- a great basic salicylic acid based cleanser that will prep your skin for the mass chaos your about to throw at it.  

2) Prescription Erythromycin-Benzoyl Peroxide - this prescription topical cream is no joke.  It has to be compounded at the pharmacy when you pick it up and stored in the refrigerator after.  I apply this after a clean face and let it sit for about 30 minutes before applying anything else.  

3) Epicuren Acidophilus Probiotic Facial Cream (1.0 oz)
  I can't recommend this cream more for people with oily, acne prone skin.  It is full of aloe and probiotics to combat breakouts and to keep a healthy balance of flora on your skin.  Thank you to Shasta for recommending this to me long ago. 

4) Epicuren Medicated Acne Mask- this sulfer based mask will blow any zits out of the water with a 20 minute application.  This mask smells awful, but does the trick.  

5) Aztec Mask- this will suck the life out of zits and blackheads.  I use this as more of a preventative than anything else.  

What do you have in your breakout arsenal?


Elizabeth said...

If and when you want to try something new (we have similar skin / I'm 41 and break out like a 15 year old), my all-time favorite and something I never go a day without regardless of what else I'm using is Neutrogena Anti Wrinkle Anti Blemish Clear Skin Cream. Also, Dr. Dennis Gross EXTRA STRENGTH (don't get the regular) Alpha Beta Peel.

Lili said...

after all these years, i'm stuck to my proactive. it worked and still does :)

MHM1314 said...

I told you on Instagram that I just got the Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion for a really bad cystic breakout. I have had maybe three of those in my entire life so I haven't ever figured out how to properly deal. This lotion didn't work as fast as I'd like (but I'm super impatient) but it delivered what it promised - it's gone and I am proud of myself for not picking!

Otherwise, my regular routine is a mix of glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and benzoil perodixe. I also take Vitamin A and probiotics orally.

Old school treatment that WORKS that my Grandy taught me? Crush up an aspirin and add a little bit of water to make it into a paste and put that directly on a blemish. Anything with anti-redness or anti-inflammatory can help (i.e. eydrops, I've totally used them before in emergencies, and diaper rash cream).

miss andrea lee said...

Thanks to you I love that aztec mask, but its not joke- so tingly! Also I have tried epicuren before and really like their products (I hoard thier chapstick- best ever) but I will have to try that mask!

Unknown said...

I'm having a major teenager breakout right now. Driving me nuts for like the last 5 days. I've tried a mask which didn't help and some Kate Somerville products. I need a miracle fix, like yesterday. I should probably order that Epicuren sulfer mask if it works as good as you say.... at the very least it would be good to have handy for the next time my usual products don't help.

Kathryn Clark said...

I don't know if you have every heard of Rodan + Fields Unblemish (a skincare line by the Drs that created Proactiv). It's actually formulated to combat adult acne and does and AMAZING job. Contact me and I can tell you a lot more about it!

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