I would honestly rather go get dental work done than pack a full suitcase for a trip (I actually love going to the dentist :P ). I have just never liked packing and it always gets me so stressed out to the point that I just end up throwing random stuff in a suitcase and hoping for the best.
It's funny because you think about a blogging conference (mainly fashion bloggers) and the first thing that came to my mind was that I needed cute outfits. In typical Megan fashion, I waited until the last minute to get like 4 dresses overnighted so that I could have "options" for the conference. I put them all in my suitcase along with a few pairs of shoes. Then I remembered that the emails about the conference had said to wear comfortable shoes and flats. I tossed in a couple of pairs of flats and went on my merry way.
When I arrived to the hotel I noticed everyone for the conference was wearing huge heels, wedges, and stilettos. Honestly, I am beyond the point of wanting to traipse around a city in painful shoes, so I threw on my only pair of flats that I packed that actually matched anything. And y'all- I basically wore these shoes the entire weekend. But why didn't I pack more flat options? Why did I pack 4 pairs of high-heeled shoes and not any versatile flats? I am seriously the worst packer in the world.
Then I realized I brought a lot of black jeans and darker clothes and jackets only to find out I packed the most summery and light colored flats that I had ... which didn't match any of the other stuff that I brought.
Moral of the story is that I learned for stuff like this, and really for any future trip, I need to take the time to actually lay out or try on my outfits before hand and make sure I am packing appropriate items to match and go with those outfits. I packed 16 pairs of underwear but only two pairs of comfortable shoes, and that my friends, is a problem. Stay tuned for my new attitude on packing and seriously the next trip I take I am going to wow you all with my packing abilities so that I don't end up in the same situation I was in this weekend!
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