PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Manic Monday

Manic Monday

Woke up this morning at 5 am to Miss P yelping and whinning to go to the bathroom. I thought she was getting better about not eating her poo, but nope, she just haaaad to have a bite of that little nugget. After washing out her mouth and spraying it with her wintergreen breath spray (yes, I bought this... can you imagine her breath after a hot dump) I let her down to eat her breakfast and she scurried off to the dining room. I run over there to get her, only to find that she had pooed again and was chowing down. What do I do about this? She is such a cute little girl and I want for her to wear little pink clothes and glitter charms, but I just can't do this if she's going to eat her poo!!! haha... look at the little monster, just checking her blackberry:

Only a week 'til Rob and I are in Vero Beach, Florida for one of my best friend's weddings. I am so excited for this fun trip! I am in the wedding and couldn't be happier about getting a week-long vacay with all my friends.

This is a picture of Ashton, the bride-to-be and me... we've been friends since middle school and I'm so happy she found her a doctor, and they met on my Birthday while we were out and about, at that! We used to sit around and look at bridal mags, pining over 3 carat rings and Vera Wang wedding dresses. I think we had our weddings planned out before we were even 21! haha...

This pic was taken at a Brunch before Keeneland, Lexington's finest horse-racing!


Well I Do Declare said...

Why do puppies do that??? So gross! Anyway, the wedding sounds like it will be a great time! Can't wait to see pics :)

Anonymous said...

You girls are darling! Have fun at the wedding, I can't wait to see the pics

Pink, Green, and Southern said...

I saw on that show "Its me or the dog" that if you feed them pineapple they don't want to eat their poop. That picture is adorable too!

Kate said...

Hey! Have a great time at the wedding! I'm actually going to vero in around 3 weeks haha. Have you been before? I love it there. Hope all is well.
- Kate

Elise said...

I just found your blog! My puppy Bonnie did that for a week or so and I researched it and read online that it can sometimes be due to some sort of a deficiency (like she would need vitamins I guess). She outgrew that unpleasant phase before we did anything about it though so I wouldn't worry about it too much! Your puppy is so cute!

Lipstick said...

Beautiful photo! Love the green and white-SO classy!

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