PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Updates :-)

Updates :-)

Sorry I haven't blogged all week. This puppy is taking up all of my time! She is quite a handful. She is so sassy and spunky it's ridiculous. She totally beats up our persian cat, Elivis. She goes straight for his tail and ears. We are having a hard time getting her housebroken. I understand that she's only 7 weeks old and that results don't happen over night, but still... it's frusterating at times! Oh, and she won't stop eating her poo! I don't know what the appeal is, but we have to keep a tight watch on her when she goes potty because if we look away for one second she will take a quick bite! Yuck!!!!!

Here is a new pic of Miss P, on a recent trip to Starbucks, showing off her new cupcake collar:

Me, a la NYC last summer after a small "visit" to Saks:

On a lighter note, Rob and I are going to the Memphis in May World Championship Barbecue Contest and Festival tonight. (You gotta love the South). This is a BIG DEAL for Memphis and I am very excited to get to taste the bbq from the cook off!

Tomorrow we will be heading to Kentucky to stay with my parents. On Sunday I will be in Lexington for one of my best friend's wedding showers. It's so crazy that all of my friends are now getting married! I am in two weddings this summer, and I am going to several!

1 comment:

Andria Lisle said...

Megan -- my name is Andria Lisle. I'm a journalist with the Commercial Appeal. I found your blog by doing a search for Memphis shopping blogs. I'm doing a story about the Sex and the City phenomenon -- wondering if you're a fan? I'd love to do a phone interview you with you for an article -- you can reach me at my first initial, last name at comcast.net. thanks! AL

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