PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Missed Connections

Missed Connections

Hey everyone! Back from another eventful weekend.  I have attached some pics from the bachelorette party.  
Have you all ever heard of missed connections on craigslist?  Just go to craigslist.com, pick your state and city, then go to "missed connections".   The most entertaining are the "m4w" -- meaning men for women.  The whole concept is actually pretty creepy and stalkerish if you ask me, but boy, they are a delight to read!  My old roommate in Florida actually got me hooked on reading them.  We used to always scan them, hoping to find our missed connection, but only found desperate posts from creepy men.  
Here are a few examples from the current Jacksonville missed connections: 
-  Girl with cute puppy, red sox shirt at parents house (st. johns county)
" I swept your house while your parents noisy dog barked at me.  We chatted for a bit about dogparks and pitbulls, you told me you don't go out much ... i don't really either.  I'd love to have an evening with you and your cute puppy. Let's chat sometime."  
- Publix Old St. Augustine Rd. Beautiful Blue Sundress
"Today, you, short brown hair and glasses, you know it was you! Where did you go, where did you run off to so quickly, i did not see a ring.  Chances are you will never read this, but if you do, I'd love to talk to you more.  You were absolutely stunning! "
While this whole concept of a "missed connection" is somewhat sweet, it is also so so so so CREEPY!! I mean, this man was cleaning your parents house and he was basically stalking you?! This just goes to show you how many creepy men are lurking out there.  Just go to craigslist missed connection and I will guarantee you entertainment for at least an hour tops.  I just can't get enough of these!    


Red and White Preppy said...

Hahaha...I know just what you mean! They are quite funny :)
Love the pictures. Looks like you had a great time :)

Insight, Insanity, Imagination said...

The missed connections completely freak me out! I love the ones that say "you were driving down the interstate in a red car on Thursday. Our eyes met. Please contact me." Yeah our eyes met! I could feel you burning a hole in me and I had to see who the heck was staring!

Insight, Insanity, Imagination said...

Yes ma'am... I live in Memphis!

Puttin' On The GRITS said...

I WAS A MISSED CONNECTION!!! I met him and went on dates. I made out with him.

Then he told me about his ex pregnant wife...and two other kids.

kolls said...

Let me just say that your dress is so darn cute!

Pink, Green, and Southern said...

I read those things all of the time. They crack me up. The pictures are adorable!

Emily said...

Love love love your outfits! Where where where did you get that lovely pink dress??

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