PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: blah blah blah

blah blah blah

Yesterday, my Junior League sponsor emailed me a job opportunity with a non-profit organization that is hiring a marketing and events coordinator.  Let's hope I can get this job or it's off to grad school I go (round 2).   

Can't I just keep up this no job, no nothing, go to yoga everyday thing?  It's actually kind of nice.  I never thought I'd be one that would enjoy not doing anything, but I actually love it!  

Who knows, off to Kentucky for the weekend.  


Well I Do Declare said...

Sounds great! I hope you get it :)

ldavids said...

Do you have any sort of job? if not, I can relate...I was fortunate enough to take a year (ok 2) off to travel, play. etc. afte I left college. I loved it-but you will get some obnoxious comments occasionally!

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