PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Random Thursday Musings

Random Thursday Musings

Hey gals--
Just a few things to share today...

1) Why are my brand new Tory Burch thongs turning colors already? I mean, yeah, I might have worn them everyday since I got them 2 weeks ago, but still... this should not be happening!

2) Would anyone be interested in buying these David Yurman cookie cutter earrings from me? I am going to put them on ebay later this week, but I thought I might try the blog first. I just have way too much DY and I never wear these. They retail for 400 or something around there, so I was thinking I would sell them for 250.00... let me know if anyone is interested!!!


Puttin' On The GRITS said...

I love your blog! Why haven't I seen it earlier? I may or may not have been too busy playing with dead fish and forgot that I was a girl and love big blonde hair and shopping. THANK YOU for bringing me back down to reality!

ldavids said...

Please post the ebay auction link-I'm v. interested but want to get the ebay bonus bucks and the feedback!

Anonymous said...

I have those shoes in brown.

Love them!

kolls said...

Just wanted to say hello! Love your blog!

Catherine, Brian, Hattie and Lilly Daniels Hicks said...

Love your blog.....reminds me of when I was not so busy with kids. Thanks for the fun.

Sweet Tea and Seersucker said...

Hey! Thanks for the comment. I can easily see it becoming my new addiction quickly. I can't believe I have never come across your blog before. It is so cute!
Can't wait to keep reading!

tickledpink said...

I love your blog! I just started my own, so please feel free to drop by!

Mom of Three said...

love your blog! By any chance have you sold those earrings already, cause I would be more then willing to buy them up from you!

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