PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Summer of Weddings

Summer of Weddings

Back from yet another wedding.  I have a bachelorette party next weekend, then yoga teacher training, then my LAST wedding of the summer!!!  

I got a new Macbook this weekend and I LOVE it!  I had the powerbook all through college.  I tried to get a macbook last year before starting law school and my Dad didn't seem to think that I needed one.  I finally talked him into it and I love my new laptop!  I even got the hot pink plastic cover for it.  I got a free wireless printer AND ipod touch with the purchase of my computer!  I have a blackberry, but I have wanted the iphone since it came out last summer.  Only problem is I still have a contract with T-Mobile.  I think once I start playing with the ipod touch it will get me acclimated to how the iphone works so hopefully I can get one when the new iphone comes out later this summer. 

Here are a few pictures from the wedding this weekend.  It took place at the Keeneland "Keene" Barn and Entertainment Center in Lexington.  
Us girls were tearing up the dance floor...

Sorry the pics are all at the top of the post... they might look like that until I figure out this new macbook!


Anonymous said...

Oh, who cares where the pictures are in the post, they're wonderful! You look drop-dead gorgeous! Glad you are loving the new Macbook and that you have the pink cover...too cool!
Did you hear about the new iPhone today? $199...? Hello? Yes for you? I hope so!
Oh, one more thing...I tagged you today! Info is at the end of tonight's "Lacoste: 75 Years of Preppy Love" post.
Happy almost Tuesday!

Kate said...

Love that first photo-looks like so much fun!

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The Alexander Family said...

How was the wedding at Keeneland? I always thought it would be fun to get married there. Cute blog.

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