PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Yoga Teacher-Training

Yoga Teacher-Training

So today starts the first day of yoga teacher training! Once you've been doing yoga for a while, most students choose to go through with yoga teacher training to either become certified to teach or just to deepen their practice. I think I would eventually want to teach yoga, so that's why I'm doing it. It's pretty serious to be a yoga teacher. I remember back when I wanted to get certified to teach aerobics it was a one day, you get certified deal. Oh no, not with yoga. It takes a whole YEAR! Each weekend is filled with weekend intensive classes ... a typical Friday is 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm, 6pm-8pm .... same Saturday .... soooo... wish me luck!


Insight, Insanity, Imagination said...

Yay! so fun! Sounds like it is going to take up a lot of your time, but I'm sure you will enjoy it nonetheless! Be sure to let us know how it's going

Red and White Preppy said...

Good gracious! Good luck with it...you have more dedication than I would have.

Meghan said...

I'm thinking about starting to take some yoga classes. Any tips?

Anonymous said...

Are you single?? Go to my blog and check out my cute, single brother in law under the post "Nanny Diaries and Match.com". He is completely normal, (as am I). He just moved to Memphis and is a lobbyist (lawyer) for Accredo. He's 28. Y'all would make a cute couple!!!

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