PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Dear J.Crew

Dear J.Crew

So, it's official. I am done with J.Crew. I am no longer drinking the crewlade. I have not shopped there since October, but more recently their quality and items are just sub-par. Every time I purchase an item from J.Crew it ends up sitting in my closet unworn for months. On top of that, most items are so poorly made that they end up getting holes. I wore a sweater yesterday for the FIRST time since purchasing it in October and there was a HUGE hole in the armpit. Seriously, that is just unacceptable. Also, any item you buy full price will go on sale within two weeks. And I'm sorry, but they put socks on their models with sandals and pumps. This is just wrong on so many levels.

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Suburban Princess said...

I've never understood the whole JCrew thing...I feel like it all looks the same after a while. There are so many stores with much better looking clothes.

Christina said...

im starting to get to the same point with j.crew. hubby got me a turtleneck merino sweater for christmas. i wore it once and it got a hole in the armpit. and this spring season there really is nothing spectacular. its so disappointing.

mFw said...

I always stop in J Crew when I'm in town from college, but I don't think I've bought anything there since the summer. I still love the chino shorts though. I bought one gift at Christmas but that's it. I totally agree with you!

Summer is a Verb said...

Crewlade lol! I started noticed a decrease in quality last year. The items you pull over you head have a chemical smell. But, they're still my go-to for shorts and bermudas. And, an occassional seersucker bikini...XXOO

tam pham said...

this post made me laugh out loud. socks with sandals??? wtf?!

Laura said...

Agreed, the quality is just not good. I bought a lightweight sweater, loved it and then found out that after 4 wears there were 4 little holes in the cuffs of the sleeves. That just isn't right.

PreppyinPearls said...

I had the same thing happen too! I wore a cardigan that I had purchased, wore it one time, washed it, and had to toss it because of the hole that I found at the back where the neck is.

Burberry is also pushing the same sock trend

Mrs. Fabulous said...

Agree, Agree, Agree!! I thought of you this morning (you were talking about this yesterday on twitter)--I pulled out a JCrew sweater that I had worn once and not washed or dry cleaned yet. It was all pilled. FAIL!

Love the "Crewlade" comment!! :)

Imjustagirl said...

I have to agree JCREW has really gone down hill... I also happen to think that aside from being poor quality they are way over priced for what they are!!

Mikaela said...

agreed!! have not shopped there....since last august? used to shop there all the time. but the quality has gone down soooo much, i feel like everything is just going to rip right away.

come on j crew, step up your game!!

I'maNolaGirl said...

I have to agree as well! While I love their styling (aside from the socks with sandals), I just can't bring myself to spend $78 for a gauzy tee that last one wear.

Marilyn *Pink Martinis and Pearls* said...

I don't wear the clothes but they do have some great bracelets every so often. :) I posted one on my blog this week. Love it!

Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore said...

Agreed about the socks...someone should intervene! The quality doesn’t match the price...I bought a button down for $60 sum dollars and it's the flimsiest material ever! xx

MMM said...

perfect timing for this post, as i just did laundry this morning and found a pair of my j.crew yoga pants (sweats, yes, but the price tag said otherwise) with a HUGE hole right in the inseam between the legs. just glad i caught it, so i didn't britney at the gym!

Lauren said...

I can't tell you how many J. Crew cardigans that I have worn only a few times that have holes in them. And the happen in places where it is impossible to hide them...ugh! It drives me crazy, especially for what they charge for a simple sweater.

I too have not shopped there in MONTHS, like almost 8 or 9. So disappointing...:o(

Ashley Turner said...

I've never in my life been able to find one single thing in their stores that I want to purchase, which is hard for me - normally when I go into a store, I want to buy everything!!! But I am not a fan of J Crew...

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

I couldn't agree more! Plus...they changed their sizes a few years ago to make things smaller. It has been more than a year since I've found a top/dress that fit my DD chest. I'm sorry but no girl wearing a size 10 has a size B chest. I was in there last week and humiliated myself by trying one every cardigan type top and not a single one would close. I felt obese! I left before the tears started.

Samma said...

I can't take the socks!!

Anonymous said...

Funny, I wrote a similar post a while ago on breaking up with J. crew. Seems like many a suburban housewife is still in love and buying at full price though.

Buckhead Belle said...

I agree! J Crew is a great place for basics, but I have several cardigans that have holes after one or two wears... not cool.

Truthfully, I've purchased more from the outlet of late. Better prices and from what I've seen, cuter merchandise.

Sweet Southern Prep said...

So so true! I used to be OBSESSED with them. Now, I rarely even look at their site unless I'm really bored, which is not often. The final straw for me was when I bought two shirts, wore them that week, and then a week later they got marked down like $10 each. I was so pissed bc their price adjustment is only for the first 7 days after the purchase. Maybe I should just wear them with tags the first couple of times, so that if there is a markdown I can still take them back, and then re-order them with the cheaper price. Haha. Serves them right!

Hallie said...

omg. I am so with you on the socks and pumps thing. What the hell is that all about??? So awful

crewlade drinka said...

Haha! about the socks comment!
well, the name says it all, but I have cut back quite a bit due to quality issues and quick price drops. who pays full price when its discounted so soon after?

living well said...

i'm with you on this one. i just got their latest catalog and looked through it last night... there was barely anything i remotely wanted to get!

Natalie said...

My husband has good luck with their stuff in the Outlets. However we were just in there today and I didn't like anything (except a headband). I feel JCrew and Banana Republic is appealing to the heavily medicated older wives of the world. Everything felt lifeless :( I need color and life in my clothes!

Katy said...

Oh, I hope there's not enough crewlade out there to make the socks a trend...

What's New with Mrs.T said...

I couldnt agree with you more. I stopped shopping there a long time ago. I worked there when I was in High school, now those were the lovely JCREW days!

SouthernBelleJM said...

Totally agree. EVERY word of it.

EKM said...

well i'll be damned -socks on their models. the world IS coming to an end.

Her Preppiness said...

I like J. Crew but have had some issues with the cardigans too.

Sweet Southern Prep said...

I know you're friends with My Brunette Reality, so I had to ask you, what happened to her blog? I miss all of her great posts! :(

Katie Rudder said...

I've found that Old Navy (I know, I know...) makes VERY J. Crew-esque items for less than 25% of the price. They use the same color scheme and have better quality because its all the same material anyway!!

Mia said...

totally agree with all of this - EVERY shirt I've purchased from J.Crew within the past year has a hole in it SOMEWHERE. or the hem is coming out. So sick of it.

Tillie said...

I think that you should have put a disclaimer on that...I threw up a little. What the heck are they thinking????

Lindsey said...

I completely agree - every shirt I get at JCrew, and I have a lot from there, get holes in them. And it's not like they're that cheap compared with similar brands!

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