PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: What are you doing New Year's Eve?

What are you doing New Year's Eve?

Well, I can tell you what I am doing- a whole lot of nothing!

About three years ago we did the whole "Peabody NYE Spectacular" and it was a mess! The appeal was enticing- pay one price for access to the Peabody hotel NYE Bash. It was so crowded that we could barely move around. Also, it was absolutely freezing that year and I remember walking the streets of downtown thinking to myself, "never again".

It looked a lot like this that NYE:

Ever since that NYE, we've kept it pretty low key bringing in the New Year. Last year we went to a nice dinner. While that was fun, it was very pricey as most restaurants do the "fixed menu" thing and charge double for something that they'd normally serve all-year-long.

So alas, I am being a grinch this year and saying "no thanks" to NYE festivities. While I think it would be nice to get all dressed up and trot around town, it's just not worth it to me! Everything is over-priced and the weather is already calling for rain showers. I think I will be just fine curled up with my pups watching the NYE specials on television and slow-cooking my roast with black eyed peas. I guess this is a sign that I am truly getting old.

What are you doing on NYE?

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Ashley Turner said...

We have been the same as you most years... staying home with television, a bottle of wine and a good meal. But this year, we'll be in our new flat for the first night and we won't have a tv or anything yet, so we're headed out to a popular London pub called The White Horse Parsons Green (aka the Sloaney Pony) cause they're having a band, no cover charge and it's near our flat. Will be the first time we've gone out on NYE in a while!

Katherine said...

will you share your new years black eyed peas recipe? i want to make some!

April of Smidge Of This said...

I hear ya girl. I am a NYE lover but my fiance and I have been discussing how we can have a fun night out that does not involve gobs of money, standing seven-deep at a bar waving a debit card for attention, and being freezing cold (plus our town doesn't have a great cab system). My birthday is January 1 so I always like a fun NYE celebration -- everyone is too tired and nursing champagne headaches on my actual birthday!

Kristen said...

Agreed - New Year's Eve is like amateur night...people who don't usually go out feel obligated to go do something fancy, and the end result is that restaurants and bars gouge you for the same thing they offer all year round!

I'm not sure what I am doing, as I'm trying to coordinate with some friends who are having a tough time making a decision. I did, however, pick up a bottle of champagne yesterday so I'd have something to drink at midnight. :) Happy new year!

MLD said...

right there with you... i think i may take it easy this year!

Sarah said...

We have done the Peabody thing, also, and I have a feeling I would lose it on someone if we ever did again. Waaay too young of a crowd! It is fun to get all dressed up & go bar hopping though! We'll be at the Liberty Bowl that afternoon, and if it rains as predicted, I can imagine we will just head home after. Get a good fire going in the fireplace, eat some yummy food & watch the snooki ball drop! (And OMG have you heard of anything more rediculous?! I'll have to tune in just to see the hot mess!)

Sarah said...

I couldn't agree more...we did Atlanta last year and I swore at least 5 times that night, never again! We are going back to a cabin in the mountains with some friends and relaxation! :) Happy New Year!

The Southern Wife said...

I don't blame you a bit! Going out in Memphis is overrated, especially the Peabody. We're having some family and friends over and making a few appetizers. Definitely lowkey.

Anonymous said...

the hubby and I will be curling up on the couch, by a fire, drinking apple cider and watching movies! I'm no longer a fan of going out, it's always the same around here!

Shannon said...

What you are doing sounds lovely! I will be playing board games with my husband and 3 year old little boy.

J&KgRiFF said...

We are going to Savannah with some friends,but going to try to keep it low key as well.

Brittany at Torts and a Tiara said...

I'm going to meet up with some of my girlfriends in Denver, weather permitting... :S

I've never been to Denver before, but my friends have promised me it will be fun!! I'm crossing my fingers to find a vampire boyfriend (wolves are okay, but only if he looks like T. Lautner) and kiss him at midnight!! ;)

Hope you have a very happy and blessed 2011!!

Ariane said...

I've never had New Year's plans, and it makes me sort of sad, but I've decidedly that as long as I can kiss my boyfriend at midnight, those are all the plans I need!

Anonymous said...

I agree completely. The Peabody was ruined for me the year in college where my then-boyfriend hooked up with my best friend in a closet in one of the hotel rooms... Yup, that really happened.

In efforts to move on, several years later, I tried the Peabody again. To no avail, I felt like all of West Memphis, Arkansas was sharing the evening with me. Enough Ed Hardy to last a lifetime....

Last year, we tried the prix fixe at South of Beale. Got sick on the oysters and had unintentionally raw fish- all for the price of my semi-monthly housekeeper's wages. Never again.

I don't think this makes us old, I think it makes us wise. At least on a night with an 80% chance of rain, we'll have good hair.

Hallie said...

this will be the first year I can remember not babysitting... I hate NYE, and that says a lot coming from a clubhead boozehound like me! haha.

I think this year we're just going to go to a little steak restaurant by my house that is good and pretty cheap and does NOT have a fixed menu, then I will prob. come home and drink champagne in my jammies!

Chasity @ Haute Mommy Blog said...

It's our tradition to do something huge, and we traditionally spend NYE in Atlanta. But this year, being pregnant and all, we're just planning on a dinner out with some friends and hopefully making it back to their house by midnight. The restaurant doesn't take reservations, so who knows how long it will take...it's new and trendy.

Anonymous said...

oh that sounds so perfect though!!

i'm doing the whole glam nye thing in new york city with friends at a venue on the lower east side. after all this snow and slush up here, honestly wishing it was more low key!

happy new year, xoxox
c from sweetseas.blogspot.com

Angie said...

I agree with you 100%. I even have a good excuse to stay in this year....my parents will be in town and I'm leaving early January 1st to drive to Illinois.

A. said...

We stay home and wouldn't have it any other way! We will cook a special dinner, last year it was lobster tails and filet mignon, this year its going to be fajitas. HA!! Maybe we will play a little Wii or watch a movie. We just relax. Its nice and I recommend it!

Kat said...

NYE is usually such a let down. However, this year I am the MOH in my best friend's wedding. So...come the ball drop, I will be holding a glass of champagne and giving a speech. :)

Planet MarTay said...

A to tha Men, sista!

Mary Beth said...

We're keeping it low-key here too. An early dinner with two other couples, then going over to their house for games and movies. My favorite kind of NYE.

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