PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Inevitable Bachelor Recap

Inevitable Bachelor Recap

One word: SHAM!

This show is a complete sham, and why I continue to watch, I'll never understand.

You have to remember I am a VERY skeptical person and watch conspiracy theory documentaries like it's my job, so naturally, I am always skeptical of shows like this.

Okay, so Brad is back. Big whooptie doo. I feel ABC, these girls, and Deanna and Jenny needed to LET.IT.GO! So what if he didn't pick anyone 3 years ago- maybe it was because HE DIDN'T LIKE EITHER OF YOU! And judging by their attitudes and immature demeanor, I can see why he didn't pick DeAnna for sure. Sure she is engaged or whatever, but home girl has not moved on from him not choosing her.

Next, let's move on to this season's lovely pool of trugs. I think ABC is trying way too hard and making it very obvious that they are bringing on some girls for shock value (big surprise right). I mean, come on- the girl with the fangs, the manscaper, the dentist who seems like she is the biggest airhead in the world. And then there's picture perfect Emily complete with a sad story about how she lost her fiance in a plane crash. Granted, that is very sad and I feel sorry for her, but what do you want to bet that Emily is the next Bachelorette? Seriously, could ABC be any more obvious in trying to get everyone's sympathy for Emily and making her seem like a goddess compared to these other freaks?

So, I read Reality Steve, and I will say that the outcome doesn't surprise me. The winner is a little bit of a surprise, but the runner-up, no surprise at all.

I really don't know why I still watch this trainwreck of a show, but I just can't NOT watch! It has become more and more obvious over the years that the show is so very contrived and set-up by ABC, right down to the girls cheesy introductions and stupid and embarrassing ploys to catch the Bachelor's attention.

Ugh, what did you all think?

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Jennifer said...

I agree. If there is anyone in this world that thinks this show is not scripted, they have lost their minds! They just found out that Brad is the new bachelor and they already have these zany one-liner's to throw at him. Gimme a break! I couldn't bare it... I had to turn it off.

KGD said...

Emily, the one who's fiance died, was engaged to Ricky Hendricks...as in, Hendricks Motorsports (my husband likes Nascar - slightly embarrassing). She must be loaded. I read somewhere that the Hendricks family was not excited about her participating in the Bachelor. From your comments, I'm guessing Emily is the runner-up. Too bad - I definitely think she is the most normal, well-spoken, & normal of the pack.

Holy City Chic | Megan said...

Oh, I so agree with all of this.

I felt so bad for Brad having to explain himself as if he killed someone. At least he was man enough to turn both women down because he knew he didn't see a future with either, instead of proposing to one, then breaking up with her two months later like most other Bachelors have.

All of the ladies are crazy... but you know, my eyes are glued to the TV!

MLD said...

Amen sister. I am sick of it being the most shocking, controversial, unexpected, insert word for shock value here season ever. Also I saw it as a big cop out that they even brought Brad back. And they really do need to let it go. They didnt marry everyone they ever dated. And afterall this is supposed to be about real life, not about television? yea right.

JMB said...

I actually think its degrading to women to see how they get on national television and FIGHT over ONE guy...it's like one of the loonies said last night when they were discussing the first impression rose and she was like "mmm 1 in 30 girls"...it's just crazy to me. If I had to choose (and I always choose a favorite) it would be Emily, the one who lost her husband in that tragic airplane accident, I could NOT imagine. But then you get these divorcees who get on there and act completely desperate (they all kinda are) and its quite ironic to me because these girls could get ANYBODY they wanted. It's all about the 15 minutes of fame to me, or 3 months of fame - depending on long they make it...these people are smart...they know whether they get picked or not, who cares? Once they're picked and the MORE dramatic they are = more camera time because it makes great tv AND then they think they will have a future business being famous forever...its totally cliche every season...they get picked for Dancing WIth the Stars, host EXTRA!, etc, etc....BUTTT like you I will watch! hahahahahahaha

chelsea said...

I can't watch it.
I can totally see why people get sucked in but it's just one line I can't cross.

(This coming from someone who watched BOTH seasons of Flavor of Love. Shame...)

LuvRedandWhite said...

I stopped watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette after DeAnna picked Jesse. It was a hard decision though, and I'm tempted to start watching again :)
Happy Tuesday!

Caroline said...

Those girls were hideous! I liked Emily and a sorority sister of mine was on there, but she didn't get a rose. Brad is lame in my opinion. Do you read ihategreenbeans.com?

The Southern Wife said...

Not sure why I watch either, but i can sucked in every season!

April of Smidge Of This said...

I somehow missed it but it sounds like I need to catch up on all the drama! Gotta see if I can get it on demand or Hulu!

tara said...

i've been debating whether or not to read reality steve (who am i kidding, i always do!). i just love watching this crap. i mean, a chick with fangs, seriously? how will they ever top that? i havent decided on a favorite yet, though!

Veronika said...

i read reality steve too! i was surprised (but like you, not surprised by the runner up!)

~M~ said...

I have no idea why I watch the show either!

Natalia said...

You made me laugh out loud when I read this! I totally agree with what you said about the show overall and the outcomes, but yet I still manage to watch it somehow :)

Unknown said...

started watching this show in college with my roommates, then stopped watching after i graduated. then, a friend of mine introduced me to this website and i got hooked again......
i enjoy reading this girl's commentary on each Bachelor/ette show they put up. Quite funny!!! She really enjoys watching the show and making fun of it at the same time. After every episode, she re-caps what goes on:


Brittany at Torts and a Tiara said...

This might be my favorite PIPM post ever... Hahaha :)

I totally agree with you... Emily completely stuck out... It's obvious she'll be the next Bachelorette.

As much as I hate it, I KNOW it will be on my DVR, week after week, without fail... :)

Unknown said...

So, I'm from Charlotte and know the Hendrick family...Emily's fiancee (they never married) was Ricky Hendrick. It was such a tradgedy and loss when their plane went down. The entire city mourned with them. Their family has been so generous and important to Charlotte. Anyhoo...Emily says that she's a coal miner's daughter, but she met Ricky when their families were building houses next door to each other in Key West. So, if he's a coal miner, he must own the coal mine! She really is a lovely girl and the Hendricks are a lovely family. I can't imagine that they would open their lives and be happy with cameras following her around and filming her making out with another man. My guess is that she's doing this to further her broadcast career - she's done some racing broadcasting in the past. She had her daughter so young, I don't think she has much education - but if you are a Hendrick, you wouldn't need to go to college to make $$$. They are loaded beyond belief! Anyway, I'm sure she'll be on the cover of US Weekly and People Magazine before its all said and done!

Amanda Leigh said...

Couldnt have said it better myself.

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