PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Good Luck?

Good Luck?

So recently I've had a string of bad luck. Let's be honest, getting two cars stolen in one week isn't exactly being lucky! For those of you who don't know, my husband's car was stolen the week before mine was here in Memphis (luckily it was found a couple of days later with just a few minor things taken, like the battery).

All of this bad luck has led me to investigate methods of good luck. Of course I am a spiritual person and I pray about having good luck, but there are other methods that have been used throughout history.

First, saging/smudging has been used for a long time to remove negativity from one's house, car, self, etc. You can buy a bundle of white sage at your local Whole Foods. You light the sage and then immediately blow out the flames and let the embers burn. You then walk around your house going from room to room and you shake it in every corner allowing the smoke to fill the rooms. You have to do this with open windows and doors or else it will stink up your house. This ritual is thought to let the negativity seep out of the open doors and windows. Read more on saging HERE.

Next, evil eye pendants and tailsman have been popular throughout the world, especially in Turkey where they originate. If you don't know much about the evil eye, you can read more about it HERE. Basically, it's when other's wish harm or ill will against you because they are envious or just plain mean. It is said that having evil eye pendants will ward off the evil thoughts.

Buddha has also always been a sign of good luck and fortune.

And lastly, the gemstone Tiger's Eye has been a stone for years that is used for protection and good fortune. It is said that wearing tiger's eye is beneficial for health and spritual well-being as well as being a protector and an aid in achieving clarity.

What do you all use for good luck? Have you ever used any of the above stated methods?

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Mrs Gator said...

OH my goodness!!! I am sooo sorry this happened to you! I can't believe you had both y'all's cars stolen!!! That is just insane. I hope things get better for y'all and they find your car (if they haven't already).

nowshine said...

I have a Buddha in almost every room in our house, tiny fat Buddhas everywhere, I love my Buddhas. I also believe in the power of positive thinking xx

Ashley Turner said...

You forgot the standard Kentucky goodluck charm, a horseshoe!

Annie said...

OMG, I cannot believe that happened to you both! What is wrong with people?!!!

Piper Jacquelyn said...

Oh what a bummer! My boyfriend's car was recently stolen from our house, so I somewhat understand how you feel. Chinese New Year is tomorrow and it's the Year of the Rabbit - which is supposed to be much luckier than last year's Tiger! Just don't do any cleaning the next few days to keep all the new luck around, ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that happened to y'all! I sure hope your situation improves. :)

When Hubs and I lived at Baylor, we had three bouts of vandalism in six wks. to our cars and our ins. co. wrote us a letter threatening to drop us.

I don't believe in luck per se, but I do believe in prayer/God. I can't say that I am not superstitious b/c I try not to walk under ladders, etc. I have really been trying to pray every day and thank God for all the good things he gives us.

Travelin Through Life said...

Ok first of all I am praying that some blessings start coming your way..I feel like I have bad luck often too but man two cars in one week..I always just pray never really used anything else...I am blogging again so please feel free to stop by! Hope things get better fast!

SanFranciscoCA said...

Hey Megan,

Sorry to hear your cars were stolen but at least you weren't hurt :) I like using (functional) incense sticks, I recently started buying Tulasi stress relief, relaxing and meditation:


Sometimes I have days when I wake up and I feel like a magnet that attracts only bad things and they just come one after the other ("getting up on the wrong side of the bed" days) :) I do yoga and meditate and it usually helps. That's why I mentioned the incense above. I have used white sage and it does stink a bit if you don't open windows (my husband came out of his office once and said the living room "stank of a frat house" haha)

Anyway- meditation usually helps me (because I get the impression that bad things for some reason start with my own negativity). Try playing relaxing music while you meditate or download some of these (I have them on my ipad so I can listen to them anywhere):


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