PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Monday Funday

Monday Funday

Hi, hop on over to the Blog Sale for a few quick items that I listed today.

Also, did you see the Products of the Week Vlog I did this past weekend?

It's raining here today and they say it will be raining for 3 days straight. Oh the joys! Reminds me of around 2 years ago (our official anniversary is May 2nd) where it rained torrential downpours the entire day of my wedding!

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Anonymous said...

I just love y'all's wedding photos! Send some of that rain to me - we're in a drought!

Katherine said...

I think rainy wedding photos are some of the most gorgeous and romantic - there's a level of spontaneity with them I think - you look absolutely gorgeous in yours! Love them.

Ashley Turner said...

Lovely wedding photo.

I'm giving away a new book that comes out tomorrow that you might like. Head on over and enter if you fancy! :-)

mMe said...

When I get married I plan on doing the same hairstyle you did, it is so pretty!

Christine said...

You look SO pretty! Love your centerpieces!

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