PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Hippie Chic

Hippie Chic

I've done several posts on the return of "Hippie Chic", and today more specifically, I'd like to focus on Hippie Chic PLATFORMS! WOODEN PLATFORMS!

Call me crazy, but I'd totally wear all of these:

{Steve Madden Maxxine}

{Steve Madden Gabbor}

{Tory Burch Wooden Clog}

Through Rose Colored Glasses and I are obsessed with these Alejandro Ingelmo for Chris Benz wedges, but not obsessed with the price:

And here is how I am envisioning the look:

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www.thewowie.com said...

Love them all!

www.thewowie.com said...

Love them all!

Lindsey said...

Love them all, but that last pair is my FAV!!! cute cute!!

Chasity @ Haute Mommy Blog said...

I love 'em! I like the first pair the best. I also listed you as one of my top 5 fave bloggers today. = )

nowshine said...

I love wooden platforms and wear them all the time, soooo cute!

Ashley Turner said...

I've always loved wooden platforms, and depending on the style, I've been known to continue wearing them long after they go out of style under long jeans, because no one can tell and they still look great! They last forever and can be worn forever!

Vasu said...

love the heels....


Katherine said...

You are not crazy - I love all of those and adore hippie chic :)

scdoyle1 said...

Love all of them but........WOW, that last pair is AWESOME (of course!!!)

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