PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Style Icon

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I think it's no secret that I am obsessed with Kate Middleton. I recall several years ago (they've been together since 2001) seeing her in US Weekly and other magazines and thinking that she was so pretty.

Now that she is officially the Duchess of Cambridge, there will be several more photographs of her out in the public. Just recently, Daily Mail posted these photos of her grocery shopping in Hudson skinny jeans, London Sole flats, and a green ruffled shawl.
Last week we saw her leave in a Helicopter for their extended weekend getaway in a Zara dress and LK Bennett black wedges.
What I love about Kate is despite the fact that she is now Royalty, she still loves to wear very affordable brands that are available to everyone!

I have been on the hunt for some good black wedges ever since seeing her sporting her LK Bennett ones.

You too can own the items that Kate wears! Here is a polyvore of her recent outfits:

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Ashley Turner said...

You are too funny with your Daily Mail stalking! haha Yep, I would say most London fashionistas wear high street clothing. High street has it's own niche of chicness here! Many of the stores I would shop in regularly attract a lot of celebs, even ones from America like Emma Roberts.

The Wife of a Fisherman said...

Is that an iPad holder in the shopping cart?!? If so, why don't we have them here? Ingenious!

Anonymous said...

I love that Kate's style is so accessible! I can't wait to see how her style impacts our fashion over here in the states (as if it hasn't enough already - fascinators!)

Mostly Style said...

Love LOVE her!!! I totally agree with you about her being accessible! I'm glad I'm not the only American who checks up on the Brits on Daily Mail!!!

Fash Boulevard said...

OMG. I'm totally obsessed with Kate right now. I love her style... I feel like it's a lot like my own. Love this post. Great pictures. I hadn't seen the pictures of her grocery shopping. Love your blog! xoxo


Jaime-Lyn said...

I am a first time coomenter but a long time reader, and I am so happy I am not the only one obsessed with the new princess. She is just so laid back and gorgeous. Thanks for posting the outfits! Your hair looks so pretty, very Kate Middleton.

living well said...

Ahhh I absolutely just adore her! She always looks so put together!

kt said...

Hey Megan-
I just wanted to share some news with you about the LK Bennet shoes.... I found out from another blog I read that "the Greta wedge from LK Bennett; the shoe will be reissued in June, and the style name is changing to “Kate”. Readers may recall seeing the Duchess wearing the black patent espadrille throughout the day before her wedding, as well as the day after the big event, as she and William departed Buckingham Palace for a quiet weekend." Just wanted to share!!! Hopefully they won't sell out too quickly!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

I'm a fellow Kate / Daily Mail e-stalker, and I also appreciate that she works in the affordable stuff. That grocery shopping outfit is on my MILF wardrobe dream list, so I'm off to check out your Polyvores.

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