PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Cutting my Hair

Cutting my Hair

I have recently been contemplating trading in my long locks for a more stylish short haircut. Nothing too drastic, just shoulder-length. I haven't had short hair in a few years. Recently my hair is always on my nerves. It takes SOOO long to comb through and dry. It's constantly in my face during yoga. I have a hair appointment for the week of the 20th. I may do it and I may not. I like my long hair, don't get me wrong... but I have recently just been in the mood for a change. What do you all think? Here are some pics of me with shorter hair. Also are some pics of haircuts that I like.


Anonymous said...

Oh, you look CuteCuteCute in the shorter cut; darling either way! And if you don't care for the look, it looks like it will grow back fairly quickly. BTW, the puppy is precious! What wonderful pictures!

Pink, Green, and Southern said...

Short hair is so much easier, I do have to say. I had long hair until about 3 months ago and chopped it off to chin length. I'm trying to get it long enough to pull back if I need to. The puppy is SO cute! I wish she could play with my puppy, but my puppy would probably try to eat her.

Nelly said...

my friend printed off that pictureof Jessica Simpson and took into her hair stylist. She loves her new cut. The navy sleeveless shirt you have with the cut outs... I have it too!! thanks for stopping by my blog!

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