PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Fun Friday

Fun Friday

Bonjour mes amies!!! This is going to be a long and informational post, so bare with me. I am in a spunky mood and want to share some beauty secrets today!!!!!

First off, here is a recent purchase from the gooch store (aka gucci) ... I like, I wanted something simple for summer, yet not too flashy (some may consider the gold emblems flashy, but this is toned-down for me!)...

Next, let me tell you what I got talked in to buying while I was getting my hair done this week. All girls love long lashes. Trust me, I have tried EVERY mascara known to man ... you know how they have that little mascara directory at Sephora .... yep, I've tried every single one of those. My fav by far is still Lancome Definicils ... I do like DiorShow Blackout as well. It just seems like everyone is always trying to make their lashes longer. Welllllllll.... At my hair salon they sell 'revitalash'. Supposedly, you put it on your lashes every night after you wash your face and they grow INSANE amounts within 6 weeks. We're talking fake lashes-esque here. I saw one of the stylists that had been using it and her lashes were whoa long. The only downfall is the price. I wasn't exactly prepared for the price, but I think it will be worth it in the long run... 150 bones people, 150. A little much, but I guess it's like any expensive face cream or anything... oh well, i will keep everyone updated on this...
Next, everyone RUN to your local Wild Oats, Whole Foods, or health store! Rob's Mom is THE guru for skin, health, and beauty stuff. I have always noticed that at 53, she has some rockin' skin. I'm talking NO wrinkles, glowing, etc. Recently I mustered up and asked her what her trick is, what she used, etc. At my tender age of 23 I have tried A LOT of skin-care products... la mer, orlane, la prairie, etc. But this stuff, by far, surpasses all of those ... and it's so much cheaper. Ladies, I present to you: CENTELLA OIL. This little gem is a best-kept beauty secret. It is a mix of gota cola oil and almond oil. It is derived from South Africa. This is what the website has to say about it's benefits:

It contains an active substance, asiaticosid, which stimulates cellular growth. Oshadhi's centella oil is an extract in organic sweet almond oil. It has a light, spicy aroma. Skin care: An important oil for skin care, having a stimulating effect on collagen production, an ability to reduce inflammation, and an overall regenerating effect. Restores a velvety softness to the skin. Supports the healing process of wounds, scars, and burns. Method of use: Topical application as facial oil, body oil, and regenerative oil.

Well, we're off to the Tennessee River Lake today for Memorial Day weekend. Hoping to get some sun before my trip to FL next week. I will be posting this weekend, so check back :)


Elise said...

Please let us know if that mascara works, I have always wished my lashes were longer!

CDH said...

I actually just graduated from TN, and I was an ADPi there. It's a great chapter at UT, but I know it's not so good at other SEC schools! You're in law school, right? I'm actually going to law school next fall, but I decided to take a year off after graduation before going. What sorority were you in at UK?

By the way, I'm going to the TN River this weekend, too...but probably a few hundred miles from where you'll be, I'm guessing! Have fun!!

Kate said...

Just found your blog :)

Can't wait to see if the eyelash thing works!

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