PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Help me Pick out an Outfit

Help me Pick out an Outfit

So I was interviewed by the Commercial Appeal, the city newspaper for Memphis, about the new Sex and the City movie that's coming out next week. Well, I've been watching the show since it first started (yes, I was like 13 or 14, I know, bad bad) and was a great interview. They liked the interview so much that I'm going to get my picture taken for the article! And guess what I'll be doing in my picture?? Blogging!!! Yes, they are taking a picture of me blogging about fashion, since that's what I love so much. I never really looked at it that way, but I guess I am channeling my inner Carrie Bradshaw when I blog. Anywho, I am super-excited, but don't know what to wear... they said to wear my best "carrie bradshaw outfit", so I am thinking hot pink dress... perhaps a full poofy skirt? What are y'alls thoughts? They are coming at 3pm so I need advice and quick!


Anonymous said...

I would definately wear a puffy pink skirt some great stilletos :)
I would wear a bangle or you can wear a layer of 2-3 pendants-- like Carrie does. Have a fabulous time! :)

Well I Do Declare said...

Anything that might be considered something of a fashion risk! That is so exciting :) Please post the link!!!

Lipstick said...

Congrats on The Comm Appeal!! That is so cool. Even though we have moved away from Memphis, it still feels my hometown paper. Maybe I missed a post, but please tell the story of how you were chosen. Can't wait to hear about the outfit! P.S. I was scrolling back through some older posts and the one about the Bonnano's. I do love them and want to order a pair, but I really want to know-are they comfortable? Thanks for your thoughts

Lipstick said...

Congrats on The Comm Appeal!! That is so cool. Even though we have moved away from Memphis, it still feels my hometown paper. Maybe I missed a post, but please tell the story of how you were chosen. Can't wait to hear about the outfit! P.S. I was scrolling back through some older posts and the one about the Bonnano's. I do love them and want to order a pair, but I really want to know-are they comfortable? Thanks for your thoughts

Lipstick said...

oops! sorry for posting the same thing twice.

CDH said...

Love your blog! I found it through one of my daily reads. I just recently got a new puppy, and it is like having a freakin' kid! I didn't realize the trouble and time commitment, but she's just so cute, so I deal!

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