PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day Everyone! We had a great weekend at the Tennessee River. We went out on the pontoon boat yesterday and I got a great tan .... errr burn.

Here is a pic of R and I on the boat

Ms. P's first boat trip... she even got in the water and swam with us!

R's sis and I...
Ms. P's new pink flower necklace

Is anyone else excited about the Denise Richards reality show premiering tonight? We just can't figure out what is going to be on the show, but we're going to watch it, nonetheless. R and I will watch ANY reality show. Kardashians, Bad Girls Club, Flavor of Love ... you name it, we watch it.


Kate said...

I love your bathing suit-so cute!

Pink, Green, and Southern said...

Cute pictures! The puppy is adorable. I will totally watch ANY reality show If I watch one episode I am hooked. My favorite is the Girls Next Door

Red and White Preppy said...

Love the pictures :) Glad you had a great weekend! You should see my nose from being out in the sun on Sunday...talk about burnt :)

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Looks like y'all had a fun weekend. Puppy is adorable!

What did you think of Lohan/Denise shows? I of course watched both. As they say, so bad that you can't look away.

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