PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: I've been tagged

I've been tagged

YAYYY!!! This is my first tag (i think), which is great because I was having a hard time thinking of what I would be blogging about today (I always try to blog from 6 am-7:30 am (right before I leave for my 9 am yoga class).    My thanks to my girl Preppy Princess for tagging me.  
1. What were you doing ten years ago? 
- Okay, so ten years ago I was 13 and probably getting ready to start High School.   I was extremely nervous and anxious because I was on the cheerleading team and I was always worried about what the older girls thought of me.  I think in the month of June we went to the University of Kentucky cheerleading camp, where I was inspired to attend college there.  Anyone that used to follow Kentucky sports, do you remember the short, cute, little brunette hawaiian looking cheerleader for UK?  Yes, I used to be obsessed with her!
2. What 5 things are on your to-do list for today? 
1) Go to Yoga and not sweat (we've been doing "hot yoga" in my classes, which equals me sweating profusely)  It's hard to look polished when you are sliding around in your own sweat! yuck!
2) Go to the Apple store to get a cover for my ipod touch and try to convince the woman who sold me my computer to put a new 3G ipod "aside" for me when they come out on July 11th (why, you may ask?  because you KNOW there will be a line of tech geeks lined up the night before, a line which PPIPM does NOT want to stand in)... 
3) Go for a nightly walk with Priscilla (this is a toughie because for the last two nights we have tried to walk her she simply sits down in the middle of the road and refuses to continue walking, which results in us having to carry her, all the while she is barking and yipping to get back down, upon which, she will just sit in the road again *rinse and repeat*)
4) Go to Bobbi Brown (I'm out of their balm rinse that I use to remove my make-up)
5) Try to start reading a book tonight (I'm so BAD about this... I have a stack of about 5 books I purchased for summer reads, none of which I have even begun to read)
3) Snacks you enjoy? 
- Granola Bars, Sweet & Salty Bars, Crackers, Wheat Thins
4) Places you've lived?
- Elizabethtown, KY , Lexington, KY, Paris, France, Jacksonville, FL , and now Memphis, TN! 
5)  What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire? 
- Build myself an "all green" mansion complete with pool, gym, yoga studio, and tennis court.
- Help a variety of charities and research facilities, including St. Judes, Breast Cancer research, etc. 
- Okay, maybe a little materialistic, but I would buy myself a croc hermes birkin... and an orange one, and maybe a hot pink.... eee, okay. 
- Build my parents a mansion and then buy my Mom a birkin as well... 
- Buy Rob a Patek watch. 
I am tagging: 
- G.R.I.T.S 
- Well I do Declare
- Red and White Preppy
- Le Petite Blog 
- Nautical by Nature


Pink, Green, and Southern said...

My preppy puppy decides to lay down in people's yards while I am walking her. When I pull her leash she just rolls over and looks at me like I'm crazy. Lazy dog.

Kate said...

Ooh wheat thins-I miss those!

My dog does the same thing. Makes me look like a bad owner!

Thanks for the tag!

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