PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Retin-A Review

Retin-A Review

Being the beauty product junkie that I am, I have researched all the creams and products out there to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and to make your skin have an overall better looking appearance. Time and time again I would come across Retin-A (or a retinoid cream) for being the only FDA approved and recommended cream for treating wrinkles, acne, and age spots.

I have been using Retin-A (topical) for about three weeks now and I am more than pleased with the results. Retin-A is a STRONG topical treatment that basically sloths away the first layer of your dermis eventually thinning the skin on the face. When you first start using it your face will get red, peel, and feel extremely tight and uncomfortable for a few days. Also, it is absolutely imparative that you wear sunscreen on a daily basis because the Retin-A makes your skin more prone to getting burned by the sun.

Retin-A is made to be used at night as your only topical treatment. I wash my face and apply only a small pea sized amount all over my face. In the morning I was it off and apply a heavy moisturizer (I use La Mer) to combat the dryness that is caused by the Retin-A.

Also, you should know that you cannot get Retin-A over the coutner. It is only prescribed by a Dermatologist. I have a pretty good health insurance plan and my tube of Retin-A only costs me 8 dollars.

Do any of you all use a Retinoid cream? Do you see results?

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Marilyn *Pink Martinis and Pearls* said...

I have just began using a Retin-A product called Atralin. It is a gell and less drying. I use a pea-sized amount at night and the sunscreen rule still applies. My dermatologist recommended this product over straight Retin-A because it has a hydrating effect on the skin. So far it works for me but I have gotten it too close to my eyes and had to stop using it for a week. When the directions says keep away from the eye area, boy do they mean it. Thanks for sharing your review. :)

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

I too use Retin-A Micro .04% to prevent aging. My mom works at a plastic surgeons office, and they absolutely recommend it as well as my derm!

Ashley said...

I am glad you found a great product for anti aging! :) I just started selling NuSkin and they have AMAZING products for anti aging...vitamins, face cream, makeup, etc. Totally let me know if you are interested! :) They have a website too if you want to check it out! I LOVE their products!

~ Kelly Ann ♥ said...

I can't wait till I can start using this stuff again-
I'm 26 wks pregnant- so I can't use it at the moment-
But I saw some great results when I did use it- so keep it up.

Have a great weekend


Lauren said...

I guess I'm the only one whose skin couldn't handle it, or maybe i just didn't give it enough time. I have super sensitive skin, and it just absolutely made me fiery red and burn. But you (and the other reviews) may have convinced me to try it again in a lower dosage.

Jennifer said...

WOW, I had no idea that you could use Retin-A to help out with those issues. I used Retin-A during my teen years for acne only and applied only to problem areas. It didn't really help me in that area & I eventually had to go on Accutane. But, I might have to try it again now that I'm getting older. Thanks for the review!

Anonymous said...

I know quite a few people who used it as teenagers, but I didn't know you could use it for anti-aging. I used it for a little while as a teenager because I have very nice skin and was a little vain about keeping it that way. I ended up with skin poisoning. It was awful :(

Chasity @ Haute Mommy Blog said...

I just got Retin-A from my dermatologist last week. She recommended mixing it with my moisturizer to avoid drying out my skin. Did you experience dryness by not mixing it? I'd like to get the maximum effect.

Design Apprentice said...

Thanks for bringing up Retin-A. It truly brings be back to circa 2000 and teenage acne, until recently. An aunt in her 70s who looks like she's approaching 55 told me its because of Retin-A. I was shocked, I just remember the embarrassingly dry skin. How have you combatted this yourself? I'd love to try it again.

In the mean time I'm using Oil of Olay Regenerist cream. It beat out European facial creams in a study and has really minimized my fine lines.

Do you always stay out of the sun? I'd love to know more, lady!

GingerSnap said...
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GingerSnap said...

I have been an avid user of Retin A for over 10 years now! I started on it when I was a teenager in high school and now I just keep using it for the occasional breakout and prevention of wrinkles! It's amazing stuff (but strong as you cautioned!) And your readers should know that they have to keep at it despite the redness peeling for the first week or so. It's worth it!

Chasity @ Haute Mommy Blog said...

Megan - I would love for you to do another (updated) post on your skincare. Do you still use Obagi or the Galvanic thing? I kind of need to know what works and what doesn't with Retin A. I have a microderm scheduled, and I'm supposed to stop using Retin A for 3 days before and 3 days after. Just wondering what kind of at home things are safe to do!

MMM said...

i agree- retin-a is great! it was the best topical product my dermatologist ever gave me. as it gets warmer/sunner though, be warned - it can make people more likely to burn, and when it does, the burns are much worse. i learned this the hard way, so i thought i'd pass it on!

lovely blog!!


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