PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Leather Leggings

Leather Leggings

This past weekend I asked some people if they would still be my friend if I wore leather leggings. Most of them said yes, a few said no (just kidding)!

I am serious- I love the look of leather leggings if they are worn the right way. I would not wear them with spiked shoes and a belly shirt. However, I would wear them with an oversized sweater, flats, and a cute bag!

Here are some celebrities sporting the leather leggings trend:

There is one small problem with leather leggings- most of the real leather leggings run anywhere from 700-1,000 dollars. Now we all know that is just a little bit cray cray, so I will gladly sport the leather "blend" leggings for far far less (running anywhere from 75-300 dollars). There is also a pair on F21 for only $11.80 (view here).

Another problem that scares me is how tight they might look. That is why it is important to cover your bum whilst wearing them, or else you might attract some unwanted attention.

Here are some of my current favorites:

And here is how I would wear the look:

What do you all think about them?

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The Wife of a Fisherman said...

I like them and would totally wear them! I recently bought some jeggings..and now I am obsessed with the legging trend. So comfy!

nowshine said...

I bought some last winter and I love them. Go get them today ;)

RAW said...

I really like the Alice + Olivia ones you posted and the way that Olivia Palermo is wearing hers. I might have to purchase some for myself.

You're right about wearing them with something that covers your bum. My fear would be looking a little too "Olivia Newton John/Grease"! Wearing flats and an oversized cashmere cardigan seems like the way to go.

Nikki Cogg said...

I love the sweater you chose to go over the leggings. I think the leather dresses up nicely... I haven't taken the plunge yet but we'll see!

Buckhead Belle said...

I think it would be a great look with an oversized sweater. Perfect way to add a luxe touch to our favorite leggings!

Ashley Turner said...

I like them! I actually posted an outfit with leather leggings the other day in my Desert Boots post. I have always been a fan of leather pants (classy ones, not biker assless chaps ones) and I think the leather leggings look when done right is super chic!

A Chic Critique said...

I have absolutely no idea how I stumbled upon your blog, but I'm glad I did. It's a very fun read, and I love your fashion and lifestyle musings. You have a great sense of style! Oh, and totally agree with you about RHODC. ~ Annie from Nashville @ www.achiccritique.com

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

One word: LOVE.

m. said...

oh my gosh, I can already see them on you in an OOTD... I might get the f21 ones to don w/ a tunic of some sort. can't wait to see them on you!!

Mommy, Esq. said...

I love the look you put together! So cute! Esp, w/ the Starbucks ;-)

Anne said...

Love that you accessorize with a Starbucks cup! They're definitely not in my fall wardrobe, but I could see you pulling them off for sure.

SLynnRo said...

I love this look, but I feel like it would be SO UNCOMFORTABLE.

Critterblogs said...

I like them, except for the ones with kneepads in the Lindsay Lohan picture. Those are...sketchy.

Welcome to Real Raw Women! said...

I want pictures posted on your site when you get them and wear them! Can't wait!!

Andee Layne said...

i think you def have to find the right pair! Love the look though and they are on my fall lust list!

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