So, what did you all think of the premiere of Real Housewives of DC last night? I am not quite sure how I feel about this cast yet. The show definitely has a different vibe to it. I really felt kind of bored with the whole show. A lot of the DC show just seemed forced. The one thing I did notice is how annoying Michaele Salahi acts. She is way too hyper and obnoxious for my taste. She seems to be on some sort of stimulant or drug, which is probably why she is so thin and wirey.
What did you all think? Will this be a Real Housewives cast that you watch religiously?
i would hate to see Michaele the day her aderol stash runs out, and her husband seems SO creepy. I am loving how their Publicity stunt on the view blew up in their faces. I did kind of like Mary, I'm going to give it one more week!
Not really sure. If the show turns to too much political talk and focuses mostly on the Salahi drama, I may pass.
I said I wasn't going to watch... but I did. Because I'm unemployed and don't have shit else to do with my time.
I think these might be my favorite housewives yet. I just cannot handle New Jersey... they are such trash I can't get through 5 minutes without wanting to stab someone. I used to love NYC and then their drama got to be a little too much... I think DC is gonna be good though. Stacie is my favorite for sure.
agreed. cat is gross. L ynda came from a place of care in bringing up Michaele's weight loss, yet Michaele turned it into an episode. Loving Mary's closet.
I agree- the whole show seemed very contrived. Mary might be the only one that is somewhat likeable, though her hair salons comments were odd. Catherine and Michaele are both awful. I won't be going out of my way to watch this series.
I just did a post on these ladies...I really love it! It feels like it has something with substance behind it instead of blonde hair dye and boobs! But I watch all of the different cities, the whole concept really sucks me in! So far these ladies seem to not be so vindictive....all the NYC fights got to be a bit much.
I completely agree with you about Michaele...super annoying and she needs a burger. And maybe some fries and a milk shake. She is definitely on something.
I didn't watch all of it, only the introductions but it had a lot of interesting points and then some where I was just annoyed!
I have not seen the episode. I saw a clip of them on the Today Show. Every one was ganging up on that thin blonde girl. Her eyes looked a little off. I really wouldn't be shocked to find out she has a drug problem.
Was not a fan. I felt like thy while opinionated were not entertaining and like you said Michaele got on my last nerve with her peepy "I love you, let's hug and pinky promise" thing she kept doing. I won't be watching.
For sure that chic is on uppers. The way she was hugging everyone at the polo match was creepy! Her long bond hair flying everywhere. Yuck. :-)
I didn't think it was as entertaining as some of the past seasons. Not sure about this season yet...
I completely forgot to watch this.
I agree completely! I'm definitely not an avid fan yet but I'm willing to give it a couple more weeks before I completely write it off.
I agree with the people who say the Jury is still out. I did really find Mary to be personable and relatable. Michaele is definitely the one that I do not like at all. The rest I am not sure about at all! I plan on watching another week or two before I decide to be a regular or not!
I ended up watching it, but nothing can compare to my favorite NJ ladies.
I was just completely distracted by Michaele's jerky twitchy adderal mannerisms, and did anyone else notice her wonky eye? I liked Mary, she seems very Ramona like in that she had a glass of wine in EVERY second she was on camera (including family photos).
I will keep watching is Michaele gets and eye patch and Mary gets to turtle time level.
Was a little bit disappointed... I LOVED the original OC housewives, the ATL ladies, and the NJ gals... I actually turned the tv off halfway into DC. They all annoyed me in one way or another. I might watch it if nothing else is on and nothing good is saved to the dvr.
I just found your blog and had to comment - I felt the same way: bored. I can't ever tell if I am going to religiously follow a cast until a few episodes (with OC and NYC, can't get enough...with NJ, not so much). The Salahi chic drives me bonkers!
I, too, thought it was BO-RING.
I also found it interesting that only one of the ladies truly lives in DC!
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