PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Resolutions?


Everyone makes them, few stick with them.

I never really make resolutions, per se. I like to just have some goals to start off the New Year right.

My number one goal is to not be so anxious all of the time. I suffer from panic attacks and these have been debilitating for me at times. I am very much a "doom and gloom" type of thinker and often always think the worst instead of being optimistic. I worry about things and events that haven't even happened, and in turn, the worry makes me extremely anxious all of the time. I am really working on being more of a "calm" and collected person and not being so anxious.

I would also love to be a more tidy and clean person. I absolutely love when my house is clean, but I hate cleaning with a passion. If I could just work on picking up clutter and things that I just throw down, I bet it would be much easier to keep my house clean!

For someone that has anxiety it's pretty stupid of me not to work out, but I don't work out AT ALL. Nada. I walk my dogs when the weather is nice, but that is a rarity this time of year. I want to get back into some sort of yoga or aerobic activity.

On that same note, I have to start eating better. I recently had a physical and I complained of being fatigued a lot of the time. The doctor asked me what I ate during a typical day. My answer was, "coffee for breakfast, maybe some cookies or cake around 2 pm, then pasta or something for dinner". She looked at me and said, "well, you wonder why you're tired a lot?". Duh. You are what you eat! I haven't had any caffeine since last Saturday and I'm hoping to be able to give it up all-together. I am trying to drink only water. Hopefully I can be a heathy eater in 2011!

I would also like to find a church and start attending regularly.

What are some of your goals for 2011?

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Ashley Turner said...

We have similar goals! My eating habits sound like yours but for some unfair reason, I don't stay tiny like you... not fair!

Best of luck with your goals in the New Year! xo

April of Smidge Of This said...

I am going to make a conscious effort to greatly reduce (if not completely eliminate) texting wile driving. And I'm also going to do a lot better about consigning old clothes or donating them -- no need to clutter up the closet!

tammymp said...


I read this post aloud to my husband and his response was, "When did you write that post?" I said, "I didn't." This is someone else's blog post. He said, "Well, sounds just like you."

I'm with you girl. I suffer from anxiety & panic attacks on a daily basis and it something that is hard.to.shake.

Best wishes for the New Year that we can both overcome these discrepancies in our lives!

Sassy In The South said...

My eating patterns are just like yours. I have anxiety issues as well. I love when my house is clean and tidy but need to work harder at keeping it that way, and I need to drink more water. Similarities are scary! Good luck with your goals!

The Shabby Princess said...

Oh my gosh, I am anxious ALL THE TIME too. Ack. So awful. I'm a stressball. It's a cycle because I stress and then I can't sleep which duh, of course I'm tired, I don't sleep! Here's hoping we can both be more calm in 2011! Happy New Year!

LC said...

A lot of that sounds like what I struggle with, but I have found your last resolution to be my key to anxiety. My relationship with the Lord always has direct correlation with my mind.

I hope you have a wonderful New Years!

Rachel said...

Great goals. Keeping them simple and realistic are the best way to succeed.

I am always going to try and cut back on caffeine and alcohol. I won't give it up all together, but I'd really like to cut back. I know more water is the key to better health.

Happy NYE :)

Kristin said...

Those are great goals. And you should try Hope Church on Walnut grove. That's where I attend and I LOVE it. :-)

. said...

Check out Grace-St. Luke's Church if Midtown is close by!

MemphisAlaina said...

I've been reading your blog for several months now (since my friend recommended it). Thank you so much for this post! I am constantly worrying about things, even things I can't control and I suffer from panic attacks at least once a week. It is so encouraging to hear from someone who seems so put together that this is a problem for her too.

On an unrelated note, I lived in Memphis for several years and attended Idlewild Presbyterian Church in midtown on Union. I absolutely loved it and it is a beautiful building too. It is slightly more liberal than your average southern church, however, if a presbyterian church is something you might be interested in, it is worth a visit =)

~M~ said...

I am hoping to work on my eating habits this year too!

Mary Beth said...

I also struggle with anxiety and worry. I have found that when I spend time each day reading the Bible and praying, my anxiety and stress is greatly lessened.

I agree with Laura-your last resolution is the key to reaching your first one.

Good luck and Happy New Year!

Brittany at Torts and a Tiara said...

That's amazing that you're giving up caffeine!! Such a hard thing to do... You should post some alternate drink ideas/tips for kicking the caffeine addiction.

Good luck, and happy New Year!!

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