PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: A Few Things ...

A Few Things ...

- I made some price reductions to the remaining blog sale items. If you see something you like, email me!

- How crazy is this weather? It was 70 degrees yesterday and it will be 30 degrees on Wednesday. I can already tell my allergies are going to be out of control! We are supposed to get storms tomorrow whereas the rest of the US is supposed to get a snow storm! I must admit that I'd rather have snow than storms.

- I have a new favorite perfume. You all know I am always on the prowl for a new scent. My new flavor of the month is "Love, Chloe". It is a soft, light, powdery scent that is perfect for this time of year.

- I am having a bang moment. I want straight across bangs again. I get an urge for bangs about 3 times a year. Inevitably, about a week after I get them cut I end up hating them and wearing them back in a "bang clip".

- I love this new Twelfth Street dress on Shopbop:

That's all I got!

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Lauren said...

Perfume collection por favor!!!

Lauren said...
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April of Smidge Of This said...

I'm with you on this weather. We're living out of suitcases now due to our move to Charlotte, and it's really hard to pack for the warm AND cold temps!

Anonymous said...

Not excited about the weather arriving tomorrow morning either...not excited about probably not being able to leave the house.

But, I LOVE bangs! Plus, your pics w/ bangs look cute. Do you just tire of them easily or find them difficult to style?

Holy City Chic | Megan said...

We've had crazy weather too! Over 70 degrees and gorgeous yesterday and 50/rainy today. Wish the weather would make up its mind!

Holy City Chic | Megan said...

ps. I think you should go for the bangs! You would look fabulous with them :)

Andee Layne said...

oh me too! the print on that dress is Fab xo

nowshine said...

Love the new Chloe too!
Same here with the bangs, I´m growing mine out and they get in my eyes all the time and I´m thinking of cutting them. But I know I´ll regret it so I try not to think about them (until they get in my eyes again ;))

Home Is Where the Hart Is said...

Same thing happens to me with bangs...I usually end up getting full on straight across bangs (what I call Heidi Klum bangs) about once or twice a year. But then grow them back out to side bangs directly after.

Linley said...

totally with you on the ridiculous weather. it's the same here in AL. so lame!

and definitely go for the bangs! i love bangs!

Ashley Turner said...

Love, Chloe was one of the first things I bought when we moved to London at an event for Harvey Nichols Department stores. I fell in love with the scent and also discovered the original Chloe scent, which I also love! Great choice!

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