PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: New Orleans

New Orleans

{Girls shopping}

{Pretties at Chanel}

{revas! oh my!}

{at the wedding- wearing Halston Heritage via Rent the Runway!}

{Before dinner at Commander's Palace}

{Shasta and I at the wedding}

{Before dinner at Napoleon House}

{With Caroline- green earrings are Amrita Singh}

{Before the wedding}

{Beignets and Coffee at Cafe Du Monde}

Just got back from a wonderful weekend in New Orleans with some great friends. We shopped, ate, and attended a wedding! I don't think I've ever seen more hairspray, weaves, dresses, and hot rollers in one room! The only negative of the trip? My car was STOLEN from the valet lot of our hotel. What a mess. It was certainly a bad start to my morning, but I am looking at the positive- If it is not found I get a new car!

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Mommara said...

Yayy for a great trip. BOO about your car. I am loving the green striped outfit you had on and OMG I love those green earings!

Glitterista said...

Omg--you look gorgey in every picture! I may have to use rent the runway for an upcoming trip to Miami. I keep forgetting about it.

Fingers crossed you get a new car or your car back asap in pristine condition! :)

~M~ said...

Looks like a fun trip!

OMG I am so sorry about your car!! That is terrible!

Julie said...

OMG I can't believe your car was stolen! What hotel?

I love the nude Reva shot and all the outfits!

CAC muffin said...

look like you had a great trip!

B said...

Oh my goodness about your car. That is absolutely crazy! Everything else looks like y'all had a great time and looked super cute!!

Emily {All You Need is Love} said...

Super cute pics -- Love your Halston dress!! :) Looks like yall had a great time, minus the car!

Annie said...

You looked gorgeous!!!!

Uck about your car! I'm sorry!

Home Is Where the Hart Is said...

That really sucks about your car...but on a positive note your hair looked AMAZING this past weekend! And you looked so happy and great in all your pics. :)

The Sturgeon Family said...

Read your blog all the time but never comment.. you look gorgeous! I love your hair and your green earrings. I. DIE.

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

I can't believe your car was stolen! Holy smokes!!

All you ladies are so glamorous. I love love love your hair. It looks fantastic.

Wanderlust said...

Love the Halston! I eye RTR often but have yet to try it. Soon.

I'm so sorry about your car. :( My last trip to New Orleans I was robbed and had my wallet stolen. The good news was I replaced it with a beautiful Kate Spade. I hope you get a fabulous new car. Sad to hear though, i'm sorry crime is still a problem in NOLA. Otherwise it's a great city.

HRo said...

The Pics are great! It looks like y'all had a great trip. All the weave love is making me want to go get my own Kitteh. Glad it was great (minus the car part).

Sweet Southern Prep said...

LOVE all of your ensembles for the events! Looks like y'all had a great time! Living vicariously through you!

P.S. NEED those patent tan TB flats! SO fab!

Belle on Heels said...

OMG that's so awful!! hope you get a fabulous new one :) keep us posted, that is CRAZY!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

you ladies are banging!!

and i'm still so sorry about your car. somebody needs to get cut!

Rhonda said...

OMG about the car!!!

good news is, you guys all look incredible!

Coastal Southern said...

Such beautiful girls and what a fun trip. Um, did you say your car was stolen? Oh my gosh, I thought it was broken into but did not realize it was stolen. I'm so sorry, Megan.

molldoll said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your car! What a huge bummer. Your halston dress looks great, though :)

R. Williams said...

Love your style! I hope the car doesn't ruin NOLA for you; it's such an amazing city!

All Things Cherish said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your car, that is awful! But I'm glad to hear you're looking at the positive. Gorgeous outfits, love your green earrings.

Lea Liz said...

Looks like a great trip!! Love the dres you wore to the wedding1

Your car got STOLEN? oh my goodness, how in the world did that happen in a valet lot? That is crazy!!!!!

Nikosmommy said...

What a great looking group of girls! Love your hair (so long now!)
I totally recognized one of the girls in your group from Just Dandy (I think that`s what her blog is called)...her big pouffy blonde hair caught my eye!!

Looks like you had a wonderful time together!!!

PinkLouLou said...

girlfraaand you look pretty in green. love the earrings.

caknitter said...

just read about the car situation on Grits blog. so sorry. hopefully your insurance pays it off for you. love your positive attitude...I would have been a wreck. looks like you girls had a wonderful time. I'm loving the jacket you wore with the blue dress.

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