PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: This and That

This and That

I've been a little MIA this week. Between the car situation, rental cars, and being sick, it's been a rough week!

- When we were in New Orleans, two girls were sick. I drank Emergen-C the whole trip and continued drinking it when I got home. Yesterday I was out-of-town for work and could not stop coughing, sneezing, and blowing my nose. Well, today I woke up with a full-blow sore throat and cold. Looks like I caught the nasty Nawlins' cold!

- I have a rental car through my insurance until the car is deemed a loss and they give us the go ahead to get a new car. As of now I am interested in the Lexus RX, the Mercedes M class or the Volvo XC60. Anyone have any views on those particular cars? I believe I am done with BMW's- they are bad luck for me! I've had 3 now and each one has had several issues, so I think it's time to move on.

- I am obsessed with the DvF "Tabalah'' dress. I own 3 of these dresses in different prints. It's the perfect dress to either wear dressy or casual. I love it in these two prints for spring:

What's new with you?

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The Shabby Princess said...

Ack, so sorry you're sick! On top of everything :(

My stepmom has the Lexus RX and it's nice, but, it's not my favorite. Her best friend has the new Mercedes M class and that I think is roomier and just a better 'feel'--but, that's just me!

Hope it all gets figured out soon!

Chrissi said...

So sorry to hear about your car and sickness! No fun!

I have to wholeheartedly recommend a Lexus RX as your next car. I've had mine for two years and I loooove it. Not even one complaint. My husband drives a Lexus LX... I guess we're just a Lexus fam. Do it!

Also, since Mercedes and Volvo have European engineering, they can be a royal pain to fix and quite expensive too. Take it from me- my husband runs an auto repair shop and gripes about BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen, and Volvo all the time. That being said, good luck with your car search- keep us updated!

Samma said...

I can help with Porsche, Audi, Jaguar, VW, Infiniti and Acuras- but I'm rubbish with knowledge about the rest. I'll ask my brother though!

Paige said...

the Mercedes M Class for sure! LOVE THOSE!

love the blog!

Liz said...

I would definitely go with the Mercedes. We've had them and they are fabulous cars! I have a volvo now and am less than pleased with the electrical problems I've had. Good luck and feel better! :)

nowshine said...

Hubby got his Volvo XC60 last week and we love it. It has City Safety as standard here in Europe and is simply beautiful and elegant (very important to me ;)) We had a XC90 before and it was like driving a truck compared to the XC60.
I´m so sorry you´re sick! Get well soon hun! Hugs!

Steel Magnolia said...

Hi Megan!

So sorry to hear about your car - how does that even happen anyway?

As for a new one - I drive a Mercedes GLK and absolutely LOVE it. It is a tad bigger than an X3, and I think a much more comfortable ride than a BMW or Lexus. It also came with a maintenance package, so all I have to pay for is annual inspections and brake pads every few years. Definitely consider it if you are going the Mercedes route. Oh, and my fiance loves driving it - and he has a Lexus :)

Best of luck to you!

Jenny @ Boxandb said...

I have had my RX since '08 and have never had a problem with it. My mom just bought the new 2011 RX and she loves it too. My husband drives the GS, as well as my in-laws drive Lexus' as well. I guess you could say that we are a Lexus loving family. None of us have ever had problems. Good luck with your search!

. said...

I actually had an RX that I totaled on Christmas Eve (whoops!) and afterwards switched to the M class. I like the look of the Mercedes more but miss some of the small, silly features on my Lexus (mainly cooled seats for summertime). Honestly I'm not crazy at all about the look of the Volvo XC60 but we do own an XC90 that's been really easy and inexpensive to maintain.

Marian said...

Totally recommend the Lexus RX. My mother has driven all cars and her number one still remains the Lexus RX. She had it for four or five years and the only problem she ever had with it is that she blew out a speaker, which really was her own fault, but hey, I won't point fingers. Also, compared to your other two options, should anything come up and you need any sort of repair, I believe the Lexus would be a tad more budget friendly in the repair end. However, whatever you go with, I'm sure will be perfect

Glamorous Newlywed said...

I worked in the car business for years, and my husband still does - so here's my two cents:

Stay FAR away from the Mercedes M class - I have known several people who own them and they have all had terrible maintenance and reliability issues.

I personally don't care for the way the Lexus drives, but that's just preference.

Check out the VW Touareg... that's what I have, and I love love love it :) It's very similar in size/price to the other three cars you mentioned, and if you get the diesel, your gas mileage is crazy good (I average between 23 and 27 mpg).

Home Is Where the Hart Is said...

I vote for the M class!

Amy@Fiancé Meeting You Here said...

I am super into cars- so this is exciting! I can't wait to see what you get! Also-I love the new Acura SUV as well as the Cadillac. You can't beat the reliability of the Lexus/Acura, but I've had good luck with Cadillac. Don't count those out-they are both super fun to drive. Everyone I've known has had had luck with BMW and Volvo--but I super, super heart the benz M class-I just love the way it looks.

You sure have been through a lot this month. Hope February is a nice change of pace!

April of Smidge Of This said...

The Lexus RX definitely has the best reliability and resale value. My first job was working for a personal car shopper and we couldn't have more wonderful things to say about the Lexus brand! I think Mercedes are gorgeous, but they can be known for having some technical issues.

Funny story about that job -- one time I had to pick up a client's Land Rover because it was having some unnamed issues. Turned out that the problem was the horn. Everytime you pressed the brakes the horn would go off. Never have I dreaded red lights in busy city traffic so much!

Caroline said...

My mom and I both have volvos and we love them! I have the S60 and she has the XC60 and they are great!

The Sturgeon Family said...

Volvos are the way to go! I've had an S60 for almost 3 years and have no had one problem. (Knocking on wood now)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE my RX. L.O.V.E. I've never driven the M class, but I've tested the Volvo--love that too. But my RX is my baby. :-)

Mandy said...

I love those dresses, but I wonder how they would fit on me? I def have to find somewhere to try those on!

e. said...

Where did you find the bottom dress -- I looked at a lot of different tablahs but can't find that one!!

Julie said...

Sorry, I love my X3! Heart it forever. No problems with it yet, knock on wood.....

I LOVE the Volvo XC60, but it feels a little mom car to me. Probably because all my friends who have it are mommas!

I NEED that DVF...

Rosalyn Kay said...

Just saw this post and had to comment with my two cents about the cars. Haha. I just recently got a Volvo (the XC90) and cannot say enough good things about it. I absolutely LOVE my car. Had an Infiniti before and hated it. So so so many problems, but am in love with my Volvo. One of my very good friends drives the XC60 and it is a great car!

Good luck with the car search and hope your luck turns around soon!

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