PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Cheap Thrills Q&A

Cheap Thrills Q&A

Recently I received this question from a reader and I thought this would make a great post!

Hi Megan,

I love your blog & your fashion style! I was wondering if you had any clothing brand/store suggestions for people who are on a Forever21ish budget that want cute/stylish clothing? I have purchased many things from Forever21 and I'm sure like all cheaper brands I have been disappointed with 80% of the items and sent them back (I've only ordered online, never actually been in their stores). I am just kinda burnt out on Forever21 and wondered if you had any favorite cheap clothing brands/stores. Thanks so much!


This really is a great question because I totally agree. I think all of you all can tell that lately I have been a big fan of cheaper clothing items. Do I still get Tibi and other designer stuff? Yes. But I definitely don't get it as often as I used to. The reason for this is simple-- I had a realization that I just don't go enough places to warrant spending tons of money on clothes. I had expensive dresses that were just sitting in my closet that had never even been worn. I really had to have a "come to Jesus" with myself and realize that I was just wasting money. I'd rather spend that money on expensive shoes or purses and get clothing items on the cheap. Not to say that I don't still indulge in expensive clothes, I just don't do it as often.

Most of the time things I order off of the F21 website get delivered and either get returned to the store or sent back. But really, that is just the risk you take when ordering from f21. I have learned to just deal with it as going in the store gives me extreme anxiety, but every once and a while I will suck it up and head over to f21!

I have found that the best time to shop at a f21 store is when there is NO ONE ELSE in there! The best times for this are early mornings as soon as they open. Also, you have to go in with a plan. The stores are so cramped and poorly organized that you have to be willing to comb through every rack to see if there is something that you like.

I have recently really gotten into H&M! We do not have one in Memphis, however, when I am out of town for work I will stalk the H&M and stock up for seasons at a time! H&M has some VERY affordable items and they are super-cute and well made for the most part. I find that H&M quality definitely trumps f21. H&M doesn't currently have an ecommerce site for the US, but apparently one is in the works to be finished by the end of the year.

TJ Maxx is also great for trendy items that are less expensive. TJ might even be more unorganized than f21, but there are some hidden gems nonetheless!

Also, might I suggest eBay! I will occasionally browse eBay for expensive items for a lower price. I have found that eBay has sucked a lot recently, but it never hurts to look!

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Ashley Turner said...

I've been finding a lot of stuff on Amazon for super reduced prices! I got a Nike sports bra that was originally 40.00 for 8.00! I also found some 7FAM jeans on there that were 245.00 and are now 49.99! I don't know how good they are in the US, but I almost always get free shipping in the UK too!!!

Lindsey Leigh said...

Great post! I have EXTREME anxiety whenever I go in F21 too. Like panic attacks, tightening of chest even nausea. I will have to use the tip to go when no one is there, like early morning {I bet it's more organized/picked up from the night before too} and perhaps there would be more to choose from, I know a lot of stores stock after hours. I can't deal with the chaos. Same with TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshall's and other closeout stores -- heeby jeebys! I can't stand looking through the racks and the clutter drives me insane.

dislocated GA peach said...

fantastic post. thanks for sharing.

nunu09 said...

Filene's Basement is another great option! It's like TJ Maxx/Marshalls but a little higher quality (in my opinion).

Kristen said...

I get really bad anxiety in stores like f21 as well! Ross grosses me out, but I tend to suck it up and go in anyway. Same for the Goodwill by my house... they usually have one cute dress and some nice tops or pants. If there is a wealthier area in your town, try to hit up the thrift stores over there because those are usually the ones with the best stuff!

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

don't forget about Nordstrom Rack (if you have one in your city)...

My Life as A Plate said...

Love the post!!! Great choices!

I actually just posted about this, because I have soo many weddings to go to this year and I am always looking for reasonably priced dresses: Here are the places I have had the best luck with: Mod Cloth, vestique, Shopmamie, Lulus and Francescas. Most are online sites, but Francescas has stores all over.


Anonymous said...

Loved this post! I LOVE F21. My secret is to put stuff on your wish list and/or shopping bag and then mull it over for awhile (but not too long b/c stuff goes quickly!) I have only been disappointed with a couple of things I bought from there.

Also, I find lots of awesome stuff at consignment shops, from friends, blog sales, and Goodwill.

I'd rather wear cheaper clothes
(F21 & TJMaxx - because I would hate to ruin a $300 top b/c I spilled something on it) and spend my $$$ on new Louis Vuittons. I wear mostly mid-range shoes (like Jessica Simpson) b/c I am really hard on shoes even though I try not to be.

Caroline said...

I would def try lulus.com! They have great items for a reasonable price!

Caroline said...

I would look at lulus.com! They have great buys!

Caroline said...

I would look at lulus.com! They have great buys!

Fash Boulevard said...

hey megan. I'm so excited I found your blog. I'm a new follower, I hope you will as well. I started my blog a little over a month ago. It's all about celebrity fashion from the point of view of an LA stylist. Stop by to see multiple post a day on all the latest celebrity fashion news and check out pictures from the fall/winter preview I attended yesterday in Beverly Hills. Would love your support. xoxo


Chasity @ Haute Mommy Blog said...

TJ Maxx makes me hyperventilate! Can you give some tips on how to shop it better or show some of the stuff you've gotten there? I've only gone in to look at baby stuff and shower curtains (found neither) & most of the clothes looked like junk. = (

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