PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Products of The Week Vlog

Products of The Week Vlog

Here is a vlog of a lot of products that I have been using and or have ordered lately. I apologize for looking like a hobo in most of my recent vlogs. I promise I wear normal clothes.

Untitled from megan pink on Vimeo.

Products I talked about:

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Meredith said...

The video wasn't working for me...anyone else?

Pretty in Pink said...

i posted it with another server- youtube was having issues, so i deleted it and uploaded with vimeo- should be working now!

Katherine said...

it's working for me :) You're lovely and I love your videos...I look forward to watching more!

SLynnRo said...

I've used Nars desire forever- it's great, but it takes some time to apply it because it is BRIGHT.

bunny said...

use your ring finger around your eye girl! :)

Pretty in Pink said...

i knowwwww i am so bad about itching my eyes and using force ... wrinkles!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish that my hair looked like yours! It does not look janky.

Anonymous said...

And... I will have to overcome my fear of the Walgreens cooties and get the oil!

Sarah said...

Hey Megan, you need to try Wen by Chaz Deen, I have the same problem with the long stringy hair and it makes such a difference. Gives my hair all the moisture it needs without getting oily

Anonymous said...

glad you're making videos now (im so behind in the blogging circuit!). and it was good to see you review the josie maran lipstain. i always contemplate getting it when im in sephora...but havent yet :-) glad to know it's nothing great that i dont need to waste money on!

hope you had a nice easter!

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