PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Going Darker ...

Going Darker ...

I have really been craving darker hair lately and Kate Middleton was just the icing on the cake. I went in with a mission- darker hair and a FEATHER! I am obsessed with the result! I absolutely love the darker hair on me, and I love the feathers as well. The feathers are put in like a hair extension and you can wash them, curl them, and heat style them and they will not come out unless you go get them taken out. April at Pageboy Salon did a great job on my color! I am obsessed!

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Mojito Maven said...

the darker hair suits you perfectly. i LOVE it. LOVE LOVE LOVE. And I don't say that lightly to most people who drastically dye their hair.

LOVE, friend.

And of course I adore the feather!!!


mrs.mfc said...

Ohhhhhhh Megan I LOVE your hair that color!!! It looks fabulous!

Day Old News said...

So glad you went dark!! Looks amazing. Did you discuss bangs or was it enough change with the color and feather?

Christina said...

Love the new color!

The Shabby Princess said...

It looks great! And I love the way it's styled, so pretty!

Chloe said...

Hello pretty lady! I LOVE it on you! And the hidden feathers, too--lots of girlies around here are doing that at the moment, and I might give it a try myself at my hair appointment in a few weeks. *wiggles*

Mandy said...

The color and the style are amazing! Looks so great on you!

Kelly said...

Love love love the darker color. Looks gorg!

HRo said...

Amazing! Beautiful! And suits you! Jealous you can pull off so many diffrent colors!

Marla said...

Love the dark hair...and the length!

Brittany at Torts and a Tiara said...


I always notice that my light eyes POP when I go darker... And I can see the same goes for you too!! I notice your eyes right away in the pic above!!

Good choice... It looks beautiful!!

BelleinBows said...

Favorite hair color, ever! The feather is very brave of you. haha Enjoy your new fabulous hair.

Paige said...

That color looks great on you! And I am looooving your blow out, your stylist did a great job.

Kristen said...

I've been reading your blog forever and I think this is your best hair yet!! I love the color and cut and those feather extensions look great! Yay!

Everyday Adventures said...

love the dark color and cut!!

Anonymous said...

OMG Love your new hair! It's looks so great! Makes me wanna go darker and get a feather! I also love Kate's hair/makeup/style!

mMe said...

Beautiful!!! I did the feathers a few months back. They stuck them in with a little bead and clamped it shut so it didn't damage my hair. I loved them! ( I still have them in a ziploc bag)

All Things Cherish said...

Love the new color!!

bunny said...

Oh my gosh... I can't believe how amazing your hair looks- i LOVE it! Aren't the feathers fun? I love mine.

Natalia said...

I absolutely LOVE your new hair! You look great!

Holy City Chic | Megan said...

OMG -what a fabulous job they did! You look great with darker hair!

Nikosmommy said...

yes yes yes. The darker hair is where its at. You looked great as a blonde, but honestly your last most recent colour wasn't really doing it for you (I don't mean that to sound harsh!)

But this brown is fabulous!!! You've nailed it.

Rhonda said...

That color is SO PERFECT on you! The feather is totally not my style, but it looks great on you!

Anonymous said...

blonde or dark brown...both are great on you. my stylist refuses to dye my hair brown!

Mikaela said...

your hair is so pretty!! looks so good.

Coastal Southern said...

That color is so perfect on you! I love it.

HOPE said...

okay Megan......after seeing how fabulous your feathers looked i took the plunge! I had a bad day at work at the feathers definitely put me in a better mood :) thanks for the inspiration :)

PrincessM said...

OMG L*O*V*E the new do!

Anonymous said...

You are a dead ringer for Kate, but even prettier! I just LOVE IT! You can rock any color, but this is the BEST YET!!!!

Glitterista said...

You look absolutely phenomenal! I adore the darker hair on you. Very rich color. :)

Robin said...

Wow I really like the color, and REALLY like the style, did they use a curling wand for the styling?

Anonymous said...

megan this is the best color I have seen on you! You always look fab but I love it!

Ashley Turner said...

It looks really pretty Meg! I've been tempted to go dark before, but I can never decide... At this stage, I've basically vowed not to do anything to my hair until I finish the weightloss part of my diet so I can see if my fat head gets any smaller! hahahaha Really pretty girlie!!! You should stay brown all the time!!!

April of Smidge Of This said...

Absolutely beautiful ... I am a brunette so maybe I'm biased - but I think you picked the PERFECT color for you! And it's so shiny - did you get a glaze done too?

scdoyle1 said...

Looks fantastic!!

scdoyle1 said...

Looks fabulous!

Anna Dearmon said...

Oh my gosh! You kind of remind me of Emily Blunt in the third pic. Love the dark hair.

Unknown said...

I did not know what to think about the feathers at first but I love it!

What do you use to curl your hair?

carrie1 said...

Love the dark hair!! And the feather is really cute, my girlfriend had one in her hair this past weekend.. which now makes me want one.

Trish said...

What level did she use on your hair? Looks lovely!!

Pretty in Pink said...

hi trish- i believe it was a 5N

Mostly Style said...

Love the darker look!! It makes your skin look like porcelain! It really suits you!

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

Looks amazing!! I love it and you do look very Duchess Catherine! :-)

The waves are pretty too. Did you do them with a curling iron?

Seashells and Southern Belles said...

wow... I think your new hair color looks amazing. I tried to go darker this witner andddd it turned red! Yours looks MUCH better!!

Anna Walker said...

Pretty I like your darker hair! The cute little feather and everything! :D Totally Catherine Middleton esque! :D


Unknown said...

This color is just perfect for you! I rarely comment, but I had to today because this is just amazing! I definitely think you should stick with this color. As a blonde myself, I know every time I go darker, I always end up going back to blonde, but try to resist!

Mia said...

This color is just perfect for you! I rarely comment, but I had to today because this is just amazing! I definitely think you should stick with this color. As a blonde myself, I know every time I go darker, I always end up going back to blonde, but try to resist!

Elizabeth said...

I love the darker hair on you, and I am so envious of how fast your hair grows! I am obsessed with hair feathers right now, too! I got some a little over a week ago and I already want to get more!

Kate said...

I love, love, LOVE the feather! Did you bring it to your salon or did they offer it? Which salon do you go?

(soon to be) Mrs. G said...

I think you look absolutely AMAZING with dark hair!!! Rock it pretty girl!!

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