PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Makeup with Megan

Makeup with Megan

Untitled from megan pink on Vimeo.

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Rhonda said...

That was the longest makeup video I've ever seen. haha! I usually turn them off if they start running long, but I watched the whole thing.

I have tried doing makeup videos on my computer and it is SO HARD! I'm currently trying to find a way to do videos by putting a makeup mirror beside my monitor, while still giving a good view.

Elizabeth said...

This video was very informative! Thank you for posting it. I was wondering where you got your blending brush? Blending is my biggest problem with my eyes and maybe a good brush would help. Thanks!!

Pretty in Pink said...

hi elizabeth- the blending brush was a sephora brand brush as well!

kate said...

I LOVE your blog Megan! Can I follow you on Twitter too?

kate said...

I'm @kate_mcnatt! :-)

Ashley Turner said...

I'm the same about smells! I won't wear stinky make-up or creams! I have some Chanel blush and it smells like heaven!!!

The naked palette is all the rage here in London and keeps selling out everywhere!

Ashley Turner said...

Forgot to say, I have Albatros and I like it ok for some things, but I don't love it. You might like the Diorskin Poudre Shimmer (shimmer powders). I love them for cheeks, nose, forehead and temples! I have both Amber Diamond and Rose Diamond! They also double as eyeshadows, but I never use them that way, but occassionally, I use the lightest color on the inside corners of my eyes to brighten up my eyes!


CarrieBeth said...

The universal mascara applying face that unites us all:)

The whole video all I could concentrate on was your wall paint color. We had that exact same color in a bedroom in our old house in High Point.

CarrieBeth said...

The universal mascara applying face that unties us all:)

The whole video all that I could concentrate on was your wall paint color in the background. We had that exact paint in one of the bedrooms in our old house in High Point and I loved it.

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