PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: What A Day!

What A Day!

What great news our Nation heard last night as it was announced that Osama Bin Laden had been killed by US troops. I must admit that when I heard the POTUS was going to have a breaking news conference at 10:30PM, my mind immediately went to the "alien invasion, killer meteorite, end of the world" mode. However, I am glad that justice was finally served and I am so thankful to live in the USA where we have our military to fight for us every day.

In other news, it is our 2 year wedding anniversary! I cannot believe it's been two years since that rainy day in May when we tied the knot. Thanks for being my best friend Roberto!

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Dee Stephens said...

YAY! for America and love your wedding pictures!

CarrieBeth said...

Happy Anniversary! How appropriate for y'all for it to be rainy cats and dogs outside today. Love your dress!

CarrieBeth said...

Happy Anniversary!! How appropriate for it to be raining cats and dogs out today again. Love your dress!!

April of Smidge Of This said...

Congrats on your anniversary! Hope ya'll have a fun celebration planned. :)

Did you get the feathers in your hair? Can't wait to hear!

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

I love that 2nd to the last picture of you. TDF!! You were a gorgeous bride. Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary R and Megs!

Julie said...

pretty wedding photos! always loved that Monique Lhuillier.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Love your wedding pics! So pretty!

Sarah Brooke said...

Congratulations! and yay America :)

Kristen said...

happy anniversary!

me said...

Completely off subject, but where do you get human hair extensions in Memphis?

Pretty in Pink said...

katie- i got mine at sally's!

Ashley Turner said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

You look like Diane Kruger in your wedding photos. So pretty!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

Happy Anniversary!! Your wedding pictures are still some of the most gorgeous I've seen..

Melissa said...

Happy anniversary!

mMe said...

Aw happy anny! I saved the photo of the flowers in my computer because I love the colors.

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