PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Randoms + Christmas Giveaway

Randoms + Christmas Giveaway

Haven't been in a blogging mood lately.  So sorry, so moody.  Here is an outfit that I wore this weekend.  This is my most favorite scarf ever and it's from Forever 21, of all places!  It is seriously the softest, warmest scarf for winter and it was nine dollars.  I wish I would have bought one in every color.  

You probably noticed (or didn't) that I am wearing yet another pair of Chloe boots.  I originally had the red ones and I bought them in a *panic, rage, must have* moment when they were on sale, with the caveat being that they were two sizes too big.  I tried and tried to make them work (stuffing the toe, inserts), but they were just too big.  I came to my senses and sold them on eBay and subsequently bought the ones I am wearing in the picture.  Win-win. 

Does anyone else have this mindset?  Ask any of my friends -- I am notorious for having things in sizes that do not fit me at all just because it was on sale or a hot item.  I am nuts.  I once bought a dress on sale in a size 12 and had it altered.  Think outside the box, people! *crazy eyes*

I am just not feelin' this Holiday season.  I can't bring myself to get into the spirit.  I've been seriously down in the dumps lately and I don't know why.  I love fall and typically love the Holidays but this year I just want it to be January already.  

Perhaps I can be in a better Holiday mood by having a CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY!!! 

No, this isn't Oprah's Favorite Things, but it's one of my favorite things, this Aquiesse Candle!!!!!

All you need to do to enter is leave a comment!  I will pick a winner next Tuesday.  


Elizabeth said...

Loving that candle!!

Anonymous said...

I love candles. Currently burning a green tea candle as I study for finals!

Jackie said...

Megan - sorry you're feeling down in the dumps. Thanks for doing a giveaway (and for the hilarious Oprah videos)!

(This is Jackie - we met when I fangirl geeked out on you at Merry Marketplace volunteer check-in the first day.)

CLP said...

Merry merry!

Julie Barrett said...

I'll buy a dress in any size..it doesn't matter! I get everything altered!

megan said...

Hope your spirits are lifted soon! Thanks for the giveaway to lift ours!

Kristen said...

So cute! Hope I win!

Brandi said...

I would love to win the candle :)

Megan said...

I'm with you in the dumps! Maybe a candle will help:)

Sharona said...

Hope this helps get your spirits up!!! Love reading your blog! xo

Megan said...

I'm with you in the dumps! Maybe a candle will help:)

mommyto3 said...

I feel the same way. I blame it on the unseasonably warm weather!

Ashley Marie said...

Would love to win that candle!

Ashley Marie said...

Would love to win that candle!

Mrs S said...

What a fun giveaway. Hope your spirits lift soon!

Suburban prep said...

You are right that scarf is wonderful.
I do not own it but I love it on you.

Unknown said...

Sweet giveaway!

Unknown said...

Sweet giveaway!

Unknown said...

Drooling over those Chloe boots and hoping to win that candle! #candlejunkie

s. said...

The candle is so cute!

Jennifer said...

I have never heard of that brand of candle. Those pics are so funny!

hoveyfox said...

I always need more candles! Love the boots!

Little Miss Wade said...

Love your blog! Bookmarkin it as a fav!


Tess said...

I literally go through candles weekly - they just make my house a home. Great giveaway!

brianna said...

i have been in a funk too - not sure what it is. maybe something in the TN air!

@MrsCocoWyse said...

I would love to win this! I have been on a huge candle kick lately!

Lobster Meets Peach said...

I hope your spirit lifts soon!

Mini said...

Haha I actually was wondering about the boots!

perfectwhitebow said...

Crazy eyes...hahaha

K and Q said...

Where is your dress from? Super cute outfit!! I love scarves!

Ashleys Passion for Fashion said...

I have always loved your blog, Megan! You inspired me to start my own blog a year ago. Still read your blog first thing every morning as part of my morning ritual. I hope you feel better, girl. You look beautiful as always. Excited about this giveaway! :)


Pretty in Pink said...

@k&q it's theory- 4 years old!!!

Unknown said...

I trust your taste more than Oprah's, anyway. :)

Anonymous said...

You look fab! Great dress.


LOVE your blog and your style! would love to win the candle!

Coffeetalk said...

I love to burn candles, esp in fall and winter!
tiffrarellano at hotmail dot com

Michelle said...

Oooh I want to win! :)

Mocha Princess Aurora said...

I have never heard of this candle! Thanks for the opportunity!!!

Jamie Pennington said...

Would luv to win!!
Jamie Pennington

Parke said...

I would love to win!

Holy City Chic | Megan said...

I'm such a candle nut, but I've never tried this one before! Fingers crossed!!

P.S. Seriously loving that cozy scarf.

Tanya said...

Great giveaway! Would love to win this!

Melanie said...

I LOVE candles..but have never heard of this one before!! Nice!

Unknown said...

Love the scarf! Would love to win a new candle!

Lauren said...

Leaving a dorky comment, and wishing that I was more in the Christmas spirit this year, too.

liz said...

Love the candle, wish I could smell it through the computer!

Wanderlust said...

Beautiful candle!! I know how you feel about December this year, I have the same sentiments, hurry January, HURRY!!!

Sarah said...

I waaaant!!!

Sarah said...

I waaaant!

haley said...

Love the candle. Merry Christmas!

Sandie said...

I get crazy eyes when there's a great sale too...

Sayrah Jane said...

Not in the Christmas mood either..bah humbug!! Lol

Sayrah Jane said...

Not in the Christmas mood either..bah humbug!! Lol

Gretchen said...

Great giveaway! :) I love candles!

Christina said...

I love a good candle. Great giveaway!

Pink and Fabulous said...

That dress is great and I love the booties in black! I cannot get on board with the holidays this year. Zero motivation. Blah.

candace said...

I used to buy things I didn't even LIKE if they were on sale and a brand I loved. Sooo many mistakes made at the register! I don't do that anymore, though, as we move twice a year and I have a rule that I get rid of anything I haven't worn in the last 5 months. Sometimes I hate to part with it, but what am I hanging on to it for if it just sits there, you know?? Anyway, I feel you on the lack of holiday spirit, but I usually get this way. I blame it on seasonal affect disorder, cold weather, and lack of warmth. :)

Shelly said...

Cute boots!!

Kimberley said...

Giving always puts me in a good mood! Hope your Holidays get happier!

The Mitchell Family said...

Still loving your hair.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Love that candle! Sorry you aren't in the holiday spirit. :( I do love Christmas!

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

{SweetTennesseeBlog} said...

Love your dress!

Amber said...

I totally know how you feel. I was going to try and "force" myself into the christmas spirt this past weekend by going to starbucks, blasting christmas music and going to look at the christmas lights with my boyfriend, then coming home and watching christmas movies.

And then it was rainy and gloomy and warm instead of cold and festive and I was like F that s***.

But candles always make things better :)

Toni said...

I really like the boots in black! :)

Unknown said...

Sorry you're feeling down! Watching Christmas movies always helps me!

Unknown said...

I would love a candle!

mrs.mfc said...

Sorry you're not feeling the holidays!

Meg S said...

I love that purse!! Ooh, and that candle looks like it smells so good.

Life as the Mrs. said...

I, too, go nuts with a sale! I've never bought too-big shoes (although it reminds me of Dolly Parton's quote in "Steel Magnolias,") but have been known to buy on-sale dresses a few sizes too big and have them altered. Whatever works!

regina said...

Thanks for the great giveway! Love your blog!


Rhonda said...

I loooove a fancy candle!

Kimber said...

love this giveaway:) the candle looks amazing

Sarah said...

Love that scarf!!! Great contest! I love a good candle!

Tamara said...

I was going to comment anyway to say I noticed those boots immediately and they're awesome. Thanks for the chance to win the candle!

Mary Beth said...

Yay - I love giveaways! You always look so cute Megan and I just love your blog. Keep 'em coming!

Katy J said...

I feel ya! Hopefully your rad new hair will help the holiday spirit come along.

Katy J said...

Cheer up buttercup!

Stilettos Stuck In Snow said...

Love your new darker Chloe boots--and glad that they fit this time!

Jennifer said...

Would love the candle. Thanks!

Megan said...

I love to win this candle!!

Madelyn Sue said...

Yay for candles!!


REBrown said...

I definitely feel you on not being in the christmas spirit - I'm so bleh this time of year!

Tiffany said...

Love that candle!!

Gracie Johnston said...

Love the candle! Happy Holidays!!

rachel said...

Glad you're feeling like blogging again

Kristen said...

I love that your dogs are posing by the tree! Happy holidays!

Unknown said...

Such a pretty candle! Love your blog!

Nikki Poole said...

I love your dress as well in the pic. And thesee oprah clips are hysterical!

Nikki Poole said...

Love your dress from the pic also! And the Oprah clips are hysterical!

LK said...

Hoping the Christmas spirit bites you soon! :)

Sarah Brooke said...

Not in the Holiday spirit either - winning would definitely help!


Taylor Bartik said...

oh, i would love to try!


Sass and Precision said...

I have a scarf like that! I got it in a supermarket in France (for like 4 Euro!) and people always ask where I got it. Haha, little do they know.

Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

I have totally been having the holiday blues too! IDK what it is, but it's almost over!!!

Meagan said...

Love the candle!

Emily @ EMILY POSTS said...

Love those candles! Would love to have another.

Anonymous said...

I love the outfit as usual! I hear 'ya, I've been kind of blah lately and haven't even put up my tree or stockings! Also, my tailor thinks I'm crazy as I frequently bring her things in a size XL or 8 and ask them to take it in. It was the only size left lol!


Melissa W. said...

Would love to try a new candle! Hope you feel better soon!

WorthyStyle said...

I love the Oprah .gifs! haha

sarah said...

I can't get into the holiday spirit either..I think it's because the weather hasn't been cooperating!

Leah said...

This candle would be perfect for my office!


Lexi said...

Such a pretty candle!

Rebecca McKissack said...

I need a new candle :)

Mrs. Fabulous said...

I need a new candle! Love your scarf as well!! :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the great giveaway!


Le Ann said...

I'd love to win the candle!

Your puppies are precious! I have a Brussels; his name is Rocky. He's a wonderful little guy! : )

Mostly Style said...

You know who I miss? That Target Lady. She made me so excited with her excited-ness for the holidays!! Bring her back Tar-jay!!!!

XO Lucy

PS: Love a good candle

southernbellejm said...

that candle sounds divine!!!

cute shoes too:)

beachsugar2 said...

Looks like it smells divine, Merry Christmas!

Erin said...

I'm a candle lover! If I'm home, I have 'em burning!! :)

Barbara Lagasse said...

i need some smell goodness in my house!

Tanya N said...

Would love to have a new candle scent in my home!

Stacy said...

I would love to have this candle in my home.

Stacy Blaise

BBAIRD said...

absolutely love candles-especially when its cold outside!

SEW-G said...

What a great candle! Love it!

Jazzy B said...

Love the candle, & the boots!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

i'm with you on the funk. i've been in a mood for weeks now. must snap out it!

Anonymous said...

I love candles. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.


Tara said...

I love your outfit! But what I love even more are your two puppies!

kt said...

I hate to admit it, but I've been having a blue Christmas this year too. It stinks. I received a Christmas card today with this stamped on the back and it made me smile, "The most precious gift of Christmas arrived in a very small bundle with no bow".

Deco Aurora said...

This scent sounds pretty fabooo!!!

Elaine said...

Wonderful giveaway!!! I'd love to win this!!

Katie said...

Resisting good deals is hard! I have a number of things I bought on super sale... in another size. Thank goodness for eBay and consignment stores!

Unknown said...

You crack me up! Glad you're still rockin' the red hair, it looks awesome!

The Sturgeon Family said...

Love your dress!

Jenny Rose said...

Love your blog! I'm still having a hard time getting into the spirit too...Love all the family time, traditions, etc, but the rest of it is too stressful.

Summer said...

Boot envy!

Amanda said...

Love your site & this candle! Hope you cheer up this holiday season (it's almost over!). XO

Laurie said...

LOVE the boots in the navy! Look so good with the tights too!

Jessica said...

Love your blog-thanks for hosting the giveaway! You have the best taste!

Chelsea said...

I love the boots! Hooray for holiday giveaways!!

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