PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Here it Is !!

Here it Is !!

Here is a link to article in the Commercial Appeal about the new Sex and the City movie. I was interviewed and photographed for this article. Check it out at this address:

Sex and the City Article


Red and White Preppy said...

You are PRECIOUS! Love that picture, and you also came across very well in the interview. YAYYY!

Anonymous said...

Love it!!! Way Too Cute :)

styleandsubstance said...

Congrats, Megan! I am Felicia Coley, editor and founder of The Well-Heeled Society shoe blog (and the original gift registry for single women). I, too, was featured in today's paper edition, albeit their error in referring to me as a Memphian (I was born and bred in New York)!

I am hosting the, "Sex and the City: The Movie" Shoe Drive at Victoria's Secret Peabody Place tomorrow at 6PM. The shoe drive will benefit Dress For Success Memphis. I hope you can make this charitable event tomorrow.

Also, let's exchange links!


Anonymous said...

Oh, a big 'woo-hoo' to you-hoo, Miss Megan! How very cool for you!
The photo with the closet behind you is just outstanding. Love it! I bet you hear from lots of folks after they see the story.
BTW, I have you/the story at the top of tomorrow's blog posting because the topic (here's a shocker) is SATC opening. I hope that's okay...
Miss P is looking *adorable* these days, especially on the boat!
The Shoe Drive sounds wonderful; hopefully other communities are using this opportunity to do similar projects.
Grins & giggles, TP

Ellen said...

Move over, Carrie Bradshaw! That's such a great picture, and I enjoyed reading your comments in the article. Paris?! Oh my goodness, I'm so jealous!

Kate said...

What a cute photo-love the dress!

Anonymous said...

Great photo!

Emily said...

Great picture! Love your closet *drools*!

PS. Love your blog too!

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