PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Weekend Wrap-Up

Weekend Wrap-Up

Just got home from my wedding shower. It was a lot of fun. My friend Sarah and I were pretty much the only people there that weren't married or engaged. That was a little weird. Driving through Lexington made me miss my college days! I loved Lexington... such a quaint and cute little city!

Here is a pic of me and Miss P before the shower:

Here is a pic from the shower:

I tried a little hair trick on my hair last night and it totally worked! Rob went to the University of Alabama, and during his time there he acquired (don't ask me how) a trick for girls hair. He claims that he "overheard" some girls from his classes talking about this, but I'm not really sure. What you do is get a black girls "hair protein" mask or "hair mayonnaise" mask at your local target. Put it on your dry hair about an hour before you are planning to take a shower. Wash it out and voila! My hair was so much softer and silkier.

Here is the stuff I used:

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this tip! I am a blonde, but I got crazy this fall and dyed my hair dark brown. I am trying to go back to blonde and my hair is fried from the hair dye. So I will have to give this a try!

Anonymous said...

PS - can you email me? I have questions for you about the comment you left on my blog about the weddings you are attending this summer and a possible handbag order!! My email is pinkpolkadotaa@aol.com Thanks!

Well I Do Declare said...


Thanks for stopping by your blog! I am excited to start reading yours :) You are just too pretty!!!

Lipstick said...

Love this tip! I have used a few products for women of color myself. I used to layer on this goopy stuff by Pink (not sure if that is the manufacturer or the product line) and sleep in it. With my thin, fine hair, it lasted forever. Had to stop though...made my husband sneeze! :)

Red and White Preppy said...

Love the pictures :) Your dog (and you!) is just too cute :)

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