PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Poolside


So I didn't die from yoga teacher-training, but I have been sore and worn out all week long! I have some pics that will come in a later post.

I've just been rafting around the pool for the past couple of days. Trying to work on my tan for the wedding that I'm in this weekend. I've added some pics of me and Miss P on the raft. And yes, that is a motorized lounge raft complete with drink holder. Go big or go home, right?

I am so excited because tonight I am making gouda cheese grits! I will let you all know how they turn out and will include the recipe in a later post.


Anonymous said...

No, I don't live in Memphis. I'm about 3 1/2 hours from Memphis in Mississippi. Where did you get this motorized lounge chair. I must have one immediately. I also see that you are in law school. I've been out and practicing for 4 years now so let me know if you need advice. I'm telling you, you should totally go out with my brother in law. I think you have a bf though now that I go back and look at your blog further.

Anonymous said...

If law school made you hate life then you did the right thing by dropping out b/c practicing law would have really made you hate life!! I think to myself on a daily basis "What was I thinking?" My advice--stay in school as long as you can, whether that be grad school or nail technicial school! Ok, if you aren't single, you must have a cute single friend to hook my brother in law up with. She has to be cute, fun, normal and semi-intelligent if she could potentially be my sister in law. I am very picky!!

Red and White Preppy said...

Definitely share the recipe if it turns out well :) Love the pictures of you and Miss P...as well as the motorized raft!

Kate said...

Love the sunglasses. Glad to hear yoga training went semi-well :)

The Alexander Family said...

Love your blog! I just recently started yoga and I love it. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

Anonymous said...

OMG...*Where* did you get the motorized lounge chair for the pool? How perfect... it is absolutely and totally perfect for Miss P, and how sweet she is letting you on it as well! (I am thinking she needs someone to steer it, right?!) And that's a big yes on the recipe if they turn out great! Absolutely fabulous photos... just too faboo!
Hugs, TP :)

Lipstick said...

A motorized lounge raft and gouda cheese grits...from a fellow Southern girl, you are high-tech redneck! I love it!!!
BTW, I want to go to yoga teacher school now if the reward is to look as great as you in a bikini!

Grace said...

I love your blog.. You and Miss. P are precious! I just started a blog so feel free to drop by.

Kate said...

At first I thought you just had really big hair but then I realized it was Miss P!

tickledpink said...

I love the motorized lounge chair! Where on earth did you find that? I would like to get into yoga because I get bored doing elliptical, strength training and cardio all the time. Are there any good yoga dvd's you could recommend? Oh, I went private so email me to view my blog!:)

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