PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Winner of Bitty Bows Giveaway

Winner of Bitty Bows Giveaway

I used the random number generator to choose the winners of the Bitty Bows Giveaway, and the winners areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:

If the winners could email me their addresses at PIPMegan@gmail.com

Congrats girls! And thanks to everyone for entering :)

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Miss E said...

Emailing you now :) Thank you!

Victoria said...

Emailing you now

Victoria said...

I have tried to email u my adress but keeps sending back that its not right so if u could email me at victoria_lockley@hotmail.com I will email you my info back that way so that its not posted here. Thank you!

Landlocked Mermaid said...

Oh My Goodness! I just logged on for the first time today! Thank you , Sweet Girl! This is so exciting! Her first bows! emailing you now xo

Landlocked Mermaid said...

Hey Megan. Tried to email you at that email and like Victoria it bounced back. I tried your pipmblog@gmail. and I hope that got to you... If not please email me at pagranata@yahoo.com. Thanks honey, xo

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