PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Random Thursday

Random Thursday

First of all, I hope that all of my friends and followers in the South are okay after the awful storms that pummeled our area over the past three days. The destruction is just awful and I almost started crying when seeing pictures of the devastation from Alabama, one of my favorite places! You all are in my thoughts and prayers! Think about donating here, I am sure they could use our help and it's the least we can do!

Does anyone watch Extreme Couponing? I am absolutely amazed and intrigued with these people who are able to get 600 dollars worth of groceries for 5 dollars. Absolutely amazed. Clipping coupons has never crossed my mind. I used to throw those inserts away every week. Recently, I've become fascinated with seeing how much I can save at the grocery store. See, I am a very, very plain eater. I could literally never grocery shop and live off of cereal or ramen noodles. However, I am married to someone who wants food, and wants options, and wants 16 bottles of Ketchup in our fridge. This inevitably leads to a high grocery bill every single week. I always get so mad seeing the total and I often think to myself, "there goes another pair of shoes". Yes, I'd rather have shoes than eat. Anyways, it's my new mission. Check it.

{Yes, I am still using stationery from when I was wedding planning}

Since my recent influx in cosmetics, I really had to figure out a system to organize my stuff. I used to just stuff everything in a cosmetic bag and I would spend unnecessary time digging through the bag looking for something that was on the bottom of the pile. I cleaned out an old jewelry case that was in the attic that held treasures such as lovely neon necklaces from freshman year of college. Why do I still have this stuff? I am somewhat of a hoarder who can't let go, I admit it.

The organizer looks awful on my dresser and I definitely need a bigger one, but it will do for the time being.

I took your all's advice and got the platform Miu Miu shoes. They are pretty cute in person, I must admit. Check out my toe, it's pretty bitchin' considering toemageddon last month!

Talk about a random post!

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I'd Rather Be Holding a Mint Julep said...

Ha! I'm watching Extreme Couponing right this very second! Tip: see if your grocery store has e-coupons that you can add to your savers card online. It will save you a ton of time and energy!

Megan said...

I love this! I have also never been a coupon person! I would always throw them away until I started watching the show on TLC! I have also made this a game! I am a stay at home mom so this has given me something to do! I went to Walgreens the other day and got a ton of stuff for $10 and then today got almost $35 in groceries for $15! I was pumped!

Miss A said...

Here in Canada weekly coupon inserts are rare... it's typically biweekly or once a month. That's about it. The coupons that come are less than spectacular and rarely coincide with in-store sales.

After this show started my sister and me look at all the flyers and use coupons for deodorant, shampoo, shaving cream, etc.

There are now online coupon sites popping up and we use it all the time. I just ordered $37 worth of coupons which included $5 off one bottle of Scrubbing Bubbles Trigger Spray (it's $5 here) and a free Glade product. Winner!

I would love more coupons here. I'm going to the U.S. next month and plan on buying a few grocery items... I plan on printing out coupons and using them too.

NVMolly said...

Growing up, my mom used to take the money that she "saved" from her coupons and put it in her savings account. Now that I am married, I think her idea was GENIUS! :)

Holy City Chic | Megan said...

$600 worth of groceries for $5? You're kidding me! I must watch that show.

Love the platform pumps! Good choice :)


Anonymous said...

I'm so sad for all the devastation due to this crazy weather!

I LOVE Extreme Couponing, although I can't do as well as they do (yet!) Hubs says groceries are "stupid expensive". Ha! :)

LOVE those Miu Miu shoes!

Sarah said...

Cute shoes! Good for you for your "couponing" skills...we're going to need them since the gas is going sky high!
I'm about 50 miles from Tuscaloosa, and you bet we were on pins and needles yesterday! My family is ok so far, but do know some of the students who were killed in Tuscaloosa...so sad.

Whitney Davis said...

OMG I saw Extreme Couponing for the first time and it is pure insanity! Those stockpiles are ridiculous, but I must admit that the frugal side of me kind of makes me want to try my hand at some couponing :)


Anonymous said...

Your Miu Miu's and your big toe's resurrection just brought me some joy! Extreme couponing stresses me out, but I really like the basic idea of it. I used coupons like a hoarder while shopping for Easter basket goodies for my kids and after I saw that I saved over $9 I am now hooked on using coupons!

Katherine said...

omg I love those shoes! Gorgeous....such a good buy for :) I cracked up when you said you were still using you wedding planning stationary!

Anonymous said...

You should get a train case for your makeup! I think mine is the midnight train case from Sephora. It's kinda pricey, but I've had the same one for years and it's a space saver. Plus you can organize everything so that it's easy to find.

Taylor Bartik said...

oh!! super freaking cute shoes. love them!

Andee Layne said...

such a great buy!

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