I find "deal-hunting" self challenged at times because I love skincare and maintaining a youthful appearance, but hate spending the hundreds of dollars to do so. Since I haven't figured out how to inject myself with Botox (just kidding), I have succumbed to the fact that I will just have to pay for that since I can't do it myself. However, there is one facial treatment that I can guarantee you are wasting money on, and that's the chemical peel. Here's why: you're essentially paying hundreds of dollars for someone to apply a peel to your face (they run anywhere from $75-$250). They literally apply it, sit there and watch, and then neutralize it and send you on your way. Sure, they're qualified and know what to do, but with a little research and a couple of cheap tools, you can too! I am all about trial and error, and I've tried SO MANY peels y'all! So many! I've wasted so much money at Sephora and Medspas getting this peel and that peel and for the most part, none of them do anything. One day I thought to myself, "I bet I can find the same solution they use for chemical peels on the internet." And what do you know, I did. I want to preface this by saying: do a patch test on your skin if you've never done a peel before. These peels are GOOD peels. They will sting and make your face peel. The Skin Obsessions one will make your face skin come off in layers. But if you like peels like me, it's totally worth it to save a hundred dollars by buying a $22 dollar peel on Amazon and applying it yourself.
If you're not familiar with chemical peels they are basically a good way to reveal youthful, new skin by slothing off the top layer of your current skin. Your face will feel really tight the first day and then by day 2-3 your face will start shedding like a snake. About a week later you will have new, fresh, and glowing skin. They are recommended to do in a series, so it's best to do one every couple of months.
Here is my face day 2 after using the Skin Obsessions TCA Peel:
I have since started peeling EVERYWHERE.
Give it a try, let me know if it works for you. Remember, follow the instructions and don't get too crazy.
Do you just hibernate while you're shedding? Can you wear makeup?
Thank you Megan!
I've always wanted to try a chemical peel for my hyperpigmentation, but I don't like the idea of shedding like a snake! How do you go out in public? I use a lightening retinol scrub every night which has helped the hyperpigmentation significantly, but I'm sure a peel would be far more effective.
Haha! I just wear makeup and tell everyone I talk to that I got a chemical peel
I just go out as usual ... if it looks like someone is confused I'll explain that I got a chemical peel.
I am a master esthetician and I generally tell my guests to not put on makeup for at least 48 hours. Also, avoid the sun or anything else that can heat up the skin like hot yoga or saunas. This could severely damage all your new skin after a chemical peel.
You can totally do chemical peels at home. If it is your first time getting a peel ever, I suggest going somewhere to get your first one and have them talk you through the steps or if you have a friend who is an esthetician to come help you out- that would be a bit safer. Lactic peels are my favorite and I love that one you chose!
Thanks for the tips! And I agree - get your first one in an office :)
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