PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: My hair is falling out!

My hair is falling out!

So, yes girls, it's true.  I don't know if it's just "that time of the year" or what, but when I comb out my hair after a shower I am pulling clumps out of my hair.  I went through this once before last year, and it seemed to just go away.  
Yesterday in Yoga during a downdog or some position where my head is forced to look at the ground, I noticed little blond hairs ALL over and around my mat (gross!).  Don't get me wrong ... I have a TON of hair, we're talking it takes my stylist an hour and a half just to foil my hair ... so I guess I can afford to lose some, but I am starting to get worried.  Is anyone else losing their hair right now? Maybe it's the natural shedding time or whatever (at least I hope).   Maybe there is a vitamin I can take for this? Thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated :-)
Back to a fun topic, CLOTHES!  I have yet another bachelorette party this weekend.  This one is a little more lowkey, in the mildest sense of the word, and is for my other BESTEST friend in the world, A.  
We are starting the day off with "bowling" and then heading to dinner, and then going out at a place called 4th street in Louisville.  If you've never been to 4th street, it is the equivalent of a redneck county fair, except it's a row of bars.  PIPM does not particularly like 4th street, and I've actually only been a handful of times (mostly with the ex-boyfriend...a  whole other post).   It is a fun place though and I think it will be great for a bachelorette party.  It's just that people on 4th street don't exactly dress like PIPM.  A lot of the gals have said that they're wearing jeans, which just aren't in my summer wardrobe plans.  Don't get me wrong, I loves me some seven, true religion, citizens, paige, hudson, etc. and I have far too many, but I just DO NOT wear jeans in the summer.  It's one of my things, summer is a time for me to feed my sick sick sick obsession with sundresses.  
So........ I'm thinking of wearing this Nanette Lepore number that I've had for a while this summer, but I'm thinking it might be a little too much for the vibe 4th street gives... what do y'all think?  Errr, well it's on top this time... i still can't figure out this picture thing!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My hair is doing the same thing! i tried doing some google research to see if its normal because i am loosing so much hair that i started to get scared! I'm so glad someone else is in my boat.

Anonymous said...

Wear it - as Vivienne Westwood once said - if in doubt,always overdress! Besides, you won't be overdressing - they will be underdressing!

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with my hair. It is thick and naturally curly. I use a federick fekkai hair treatment mask 1-2 times a week. It helps a lot. The main reason that I lose so much hair is due to the heat and hunidity in the summer. Just have to keep in the moisture. Hope this helps.

Insight, Insanity, Imagination said...

You've been tagged! Check out my blog at mdcrosby.blogspot.com to see it!

Meghan said...

Just wanted to stop by and say that I love your blog!! Can't wait to read more!

Puttin' On The GRITS said...

I was getting my hair cut last week and I asked her if there was any way to make my hair grow faster. She said the only thing that really truly works to make hair more healthy and grow more is vitamins. So I asked what kind. PRENATAL. Country is going to LOVE that I'm taking prenatal vitamins. I felt like an absolute tool buying them at the Vitamin Shoppe but you gotta do what you gotta do.

The Rockin' Wife said...

I love the dress. I agree with you. No chance in hell I am wearing jeans out in the summer! They are so "fall and winter"... hee hee.
I love wearing sundresses out in the summer. It is one thing I really look forward to. Of course I am in Florida, so jeans are really a no-go during the summer.

Anonymous said...

Love the dress.

Kate said...

My hair falls out like that too but my doctor says it's just my age. If you google it I'm sure you can find a list of ages where it's natural for your hair to do a little falling out because of changes in your body. As for the dress it looks great. I always fret about what to wear to different parties when I have doubts that it won't do with the scenery. In the end I think it's best to pick out whatever makes you feel confident even if isn't what someone else would wear under the same circumstances. Hope this helps and best of luck :)

Southern Belle said...

Do not stress about the hair! I have that problem 365 days a year. This is a bad way to put it but it's the way my Dr. told me "you know how dogs shed their winter coat? thats kind of what us humans do as well." Also the longer your hair the more hair it feels like you are losing. If you have been stressed out within the last 3 months it can also cause hair loss. So with finals and school things might be starting to catch up with you even though you are over them! Just some info i have found along the way.

CDH said...

You aren't the first one who's warned me about law school. I'm starting to get worried now because so many people have told me how awful it is, but no one can really seem to explain why. It would be great if we lived in close proximity so you can tell me all about it! I'm wondering if I should re-think my decision and not waste my entire summer studying...uggh!

Mom of Three said...

I had the hair thing happen with me when I was under a great deal of stress, and even when the stress went away it kept happening for a little while. I went to the doc to get labs drawn to make sure my labs were ok cause low iron and thyroid issues can cause it, all was well and eventually it went away.

SinlessTouch said...

Nice ensemble you have the for the bachelorette party you're attending. Anyway, 4th street seems like a pretty nice place.

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