PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Back in the Grind

Back in the Grind

I am finally getting back in the swing of things after returning from Kentucky. The week after Christmas is always kind of drab- time to take down all of the decorations and before you know it, it will be spring again. Where does the time go?

While I was in Kentucky, I met up with some friends and wore my extensions again. I have an exciting how-to vlog coming up this week so get excited!

I wore a purple Tracy Reese sweater dress over a black t-shirt and OTK boots. I also wore my Christmas gift to myself, the Louis Vuitton Odeon PM cross-body bag.

I got some great goodies from my sweet parents! I have wanted the LV Totally GM for a while, and let me tell you, it is HUGE! I really have to have a huge bag though- I pack a lot of stuff around, plus you never know when you might need to use your purse as a weapon to knock someone out.

I also got some new earrings, the DY Hematite Moonlight Ice. I am in love with them!

{Not really sure why this picture is sideways}

While in Lexington, one of my friends Audrey had Lolita Lempicka and I spritzed a little on my wrist. I seriously sniffed my wrist in a non-weird way all night and the next day as it still lingered! I came home and ordered a bottle! Talk about a blast from the past! I forgot how good that stuff smells!

What did you all get for Christmas?

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Ariane said...

I agree that the week after Christmas is a little blah. But it looks like you have some new items to cheer things up!

I got a ton of gift cards this year, along with a few sentimental presents. :)

Angie said...

I got new furniture for my spare bedroom/office! I am so excited! And some gift cards and perfume (Burberry London....LOVE it.)

Lea Liz said...

Love your new LV bag!
Also love love your purple sweater dress, what brand?
Glad you had a grat Christmas!
I got a pandora bracelet, an Ipad, and clothes!!

Jaime said...

Glad you had a good Christmas back in Kentucky. I live in Lexington and love reading your blog! Can't wait for the hair tutorial with the extension things. I keep wanting to buy the Jessica Simpson ones, but haven't.

I got a cute right hand ring from my husband, a metallic Kate Spade, a Sony Google TV! and lots of clothes.

Jill said...

I have never heard of that perfume, but the bottle looks so cute, I think I need it! :) I too feel blah the week after Christmas. Last year I had an "After Christmas Christmas Party" for a bunch of girls in like the 3rd week of January. I left my tree up and extended the holiday season :)

just fabulous said...

those earrings are to die for!!

Lindsay said...

I LOVE your bag!!! I got a bicycle for Christmas :) I've been wanting one forever! I got a lot of other little things as well (clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc)

SLynnRo said...

I'm all about crossbody bags ever since I got my Tory one a few months ago. SO EASY to wear.

Sassy In The South said...

Every da** picture you post wearing your boots makes me want them so bad I can't stand it. I've been obsessed with them since you first started talking about them a long time ago :(

Jamie Pickle said...

Love the new LV bag!!

I got a new DSLR camera. I am so excited to learn how to use it!

SouthernBelleJM said...

I found my Lolita a couple of weeks ago when unpacking some stuff from our move LAST year. I love it! I've been wearing it ever since:)

April of Smidge Of This said...

Looks like you had a fantastic holiday! Can't wait for the extensions vlog. :)

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