PIPM: Pretty in Pink Megan: Lowering Caffeine Intake

Lowering Caffeine Intake

A while back, I wrote about lowering my caffeine intake. Several people commented and emailed wondering if I had any tips.

Let me start out by saying that I used to be jacked up on caffeine. I would wake up and immediately make a cup of coffee, then stop by Starbucks to get a venti latte on my way to work events. Throughout the day I would have a couple of diet cokes and then maybe 2-3 more cups of coffee. And trust me, I love coffee.

Click HERE to see a more in-depth caffeine chart.

Over the past few months I've been noticing that the more caffeine I have, the more anxious/nervous that I get. It makes perfect sense because if you are already an anxious person and you're drinking 500-600mg of caffeine a day, you can only expect to get more hyper throughout the day.

I knew that I had to cut back for my personal sanity, so I started to cut out diet cokes and soft drinks in September. I was still drinking coffee, but I wasn't drinking soft drinks.

In December I decided that I was going to try to cut out caffeinated coffee as well, so I started exclusive no-caffeine on December 26th.

For me, giving up caffeine wasn't hard at all. Some people say that you will have awful headaches and suffer withdrawal symptoms, but I never experienced any of those.

Now during the day, I wake up and make decaf coffee (which reportedly has 6-10 mg of caffeine per cup). I drink water and juices during the day. I will have the occasional sweet tea.

Am I giving up caffeine forever? Probably not. You all know how much I love Starbucks, and while they do offer decaf drinks, it's just not the same experience! My go-to drink for the past week has been a grande decaf misto with 4 raw sugars. Apparently they can make lattes decaf as well.

I think the idea is just lowering your intake; you don't have to cut it out exclusively. I was consuming anywhere from 400-700mg of caffeine before, and now I probably have 10 mg a day given that I drink decaf coffee.

I am not against caffeine, and like I said before, I will probably go back to drinking regular Starbucks sometime soon.

Have any of you all given up caffeine? What are your experiences?

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Dishy Decorator said...

I am a big caffeine person too! I gave up caffeine before we decided to get pregnant both times. It wasn't that bad, because I "weaned" myself off slowly. The morning cup of "real" coffee was the hardest to give up.

Can't wait to see you boo!

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

That photo you posted of that woman made me laugh out loud. SO darn funny!

I am a caffiene addict too and I think it makes me more anxious just like you. I should try to cut back!!!

Amanda Leigh said...

Hmm Caffeine addiction.
From what you are drinking, I am really surprised you didnt have SOME kind of withdrawal!
I drink about 24 oz of coffee a day, and in the mornings I skip it, I usually end up with a migraine.
BUTTTT that said... after the initial day without it, Im fine. I usually just drink it for taste anyways.

Anonymous said...

I have tried (not very hard) to get off caffeine. Problem is - I LOVE Dr. Pepper, which actually has more caffeine that Coca-Cola! I also usually make a big pot of (decaf) sweet tea every day. I know that we should drink caffeine in moderation, but it is addictive and the things it is in taste so good. Also, drinks like DP and ST are just empty calories, so cutting those out would also minimize extra poundage for me.

Ruthie said...

I wish I could give up caffeine! My problem is soda, I started drinking diet after realizing how many calories and all that we in regular, but I can't stop. I get such bad headaches!!
Maybe I will try to drink less now, thanks for the info!


Kaley said...

I switched to green tea in the morning since it has less caffeine than coffee. I sill have the occasional latte from starbucks, but I honestly feel better now that I'm not downing 5 cups of coffee a day. I also get better quality sleep at night.

April of Smidge Of This said...

I'm not a big caffeine drinker but I do like the occasional cup of coffee. Since I drink it sporadically, I can feel the jitters almost immediately. I used to have about 2 cups each morning but have recently traded out to 2 cups of green tea for the health benefits. When it comes to Starbucks, though, I never go decaf!

Girliest Nerd said...

You are lucky! I gave birth with no medication and I'd rather do that again then go through the week long withdrawal I experienced. I should have weaned myself off slowly. Now I have an 8 month old and will surely not be giving up caffeine now!

Angela Duke said...

...I don't remember saying you could take a picture of me for your blog.. haha just kidding. That's so funny!
Very envious of your will power!! I can't believe it wasn't that hard!! I should probably start doing the same. :)

Lyndsey said...

I gave up caffeine, also. I didn't drink as much coffee as you did but it was nothing for me to down 6 Diet Cokes a day. I was warned about getting terrible headaches, but I never really did. Still successful after 10 days....hopefully I can keep it up!

Christine said...

I gave it up last year when I noticed my teeth were a little more yellow than I wanted. I switched to smoothies in the morning and that was a great change, until I couldn't wake up early enough to make them anymore. Now I just have a big glass of water and 1 diet coke at lunch. But I didn't drink that much to begin with. I'm sure you'll figure out something that works for you.

Chasity @ Haute Mommy Blog said...

I went from a Starbucks + a few Cokes a day to just one Coke a day, or a Starbucks on a weekend when I got pregnant. I did have horrible headaches and mood swings for about a week, but now I'm used to it. Hopefully I'll never go back to the level I was before.

Day Old News said...

Needed to see this. You've probably seen me struggling on Twitter. Trying to go 2 waters for every soda/coffee to lessen my MAJOR withdrawal symptoms.

Anonymous said...

Last year for lent I ONLY drank water. Before, I was like you totally jacked up on caffeine (I still am) but I quit cold turkey and I was a MONSTER the first week. I was FOUL!! Definitely had headaches, so you're luck you don't. As time went on I started to have my energy and feel better. Plus, when I typically would have grabbed a Red Bull or coffee- I took a nap. Definitely helped! I always tell myself I'll stop when I graduate but we all know that's a lie!! Good for you!! Keep it up!!

SanFranciscoCA said...

I drink a single cup a day (I try to skip coke and sugary starbucks drinks completely though). I don't think I'll ever give up caffeine or chocolate-those two are something I really look forward to every single day :)

I don't think that caffeine is neccesarily BAD for you as long as you don't overdo it (no redbull etc.) New research actually shows that caffeine can be good for you (prevents Alzheimer's and dementia,strokes, some heart etc.)



Kitty and June said...

That pic is hysterical.
I've been on a caffeine roller coaster. Too much gives me heart palpatations so now I limit myself to 1 cup a day and the occasional Diet Coke for headaches.

Peach green tea is an outstanding coffee substitute for me or a mid-afternoon pick me up. But nothing beats my coffee with vanilla creamer in the morning! :)

Good luck!

Jamie Pickle said...

Hi, newer follower here!! I was never able to handle caffine without getting jittery. I drink fountain Diet Cokes every once in a while, but other than that I drink water/club soda with lime and decaf hot tea. Way to go on cutting back so much!

xoxo Hilary said...

I can't drink coffee because it gives me anxiety! I read one of your earlier posts that you suffer from panic attacks. I as well suffer from these, and they are no fun! As a psychology major, to help rid your anxiety you definitely are not supposed to drink caffeine as it does make you more jittery. I stick to Lipton green tea or regular tea and the occasional diet coke. I also drink those little Starbuck's cold coffee's that you can buy at the grocery store. Hope this helps! Love your blog!

katherinebee said...

I wish decaf Diet Coke tasted as good to me as regular Diet Coke. Way to cut out the coffee!

BelleinBows said...

Any time I have tried giving up caffeine it has been an awful experience. Headache after headache. I just had to cut back instead of giving up.

Amanda said...

I made a deal with my boyfriend that if he would give up smoking, I would give up coffee (his may have been a little more difficult...) I'm surprised you didn't have any withdrawal symptoms! When I gave up coffee, I had terrible headaches and absolutely no energy. I eventually decided not to cut it completely and now have one cup of coffee in the mornings and water/juice throughout the day. I really just like the routine of drinking coffee in the morning...

And, that picture is hilarious!

Kat said...

My new years resolution was to drink less caffeine, so I now cut myself off after noon. Like you, I'm super nervous/anxious and have panic attacks and I really have noticed a difference since I cut back. I'm way more calm, but I could never give it up completely bc I have a 10 month old who still doesn't sleep through the night and I would never wake up in the morning without caffeine!

ralph and martha said...

I gave up caffeine about 17 years ago. It's not super good for girls as it tends to leach much needed calcium out of our bones. PLENTY of good substitutes but I still miss a super cold diet coke in a can. yum. Starbucks can make almost any of their drinks de-caf - just ask. Enjoy! and nice job. moderation is the key.

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